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RE: True creativity blesses everyone who encounters it.

in Feel Good4 years ago

And in what an extraordinary way nis changes the moment to observe a smile and lose ourselves in it, and let ourselves be carried away by that torrent of emotions, a smile makes us happy that little heart that is sometimes crestfallen, lost in the daily stress.

How different everything would be if we were on the street paying attention to the people who pass by, to their expressions. Without judging them, simply observing, like someone who observes a rose and captures its aroma, its essence, that space where we merge into nothingness and everything is fine.


I love people watching. Like if I'm in line with a friend in some public place. I pick up conversations. I don't mean, but people are funny. They say weird things. Especially while taking to another person. The person with me won't hear what they say, but I can't help but pick it up.

I've had my attitude saved many times from a random nice smile. Even a goofy happy dog you pass by this living. Life's little reminders to smile. Love the comment.