Phone Photography Contest-09. My favorite place. // Mi lugar favorito.

in Feel Goodlast month

Nice day friends of the Feel Good community. Thanks to @untilwelearn for promoting the Phone Photography contest for those of us who love saving our memories and experiences through photographs. In this new edition I would like to participate by showing you my favorite place.


Lindo día amigos de la comunidad Feel Good. Gracias a @untilwelearn por promocionar el concurso de Phone Photography para los que amamos guardar nuestros recuerdos y vivencias a través de las fotografías. En esta nueva edición me gustaría participar mostrándoles mi lugar favorito.

My favorite place is Playa Pilar. She is my favorite compared to the others. Its waters have a special color and its sand is very fine.


Mi lugar favorito es Playa Pilar. Ella es mi preferida con respecto a las demás. Sus aguas tienen un color especial y su arena es muy fina.

Without a doubt, the beach is the ideal space to disconnect from the hectic reality. The perfect place to find the much-needed peace. Thanks to it you can get away from all the negativity and stress that accumulates on a daily basis. The sea has the property of healing the soul. Well, the fresh breeze that you breathe there, together with the wonderful view of the place, are capable of making you enjoy the present. They connect you with the now, making peace take over you.

Having a sacred space, where your soul heals, is vital to leading a healthy life. For body, mind and soul are one. They must be in harmony. In this way, the solutions to the questions that life imposes on us will always have the correct answer.


Sin duda alguna, la playa es el espacio ideal para desconectar de la agitada realidad. El sitio perfecto para encontrar la paz tan necesaria. Gracias a ella puedes alejarte de toda la negatividad y el estrés que se acumula en el día a día. El mar tiene la propiedad de curar el alma. Pues la brisa fresca que allí se respira, junto a la maravillosa vista del lugar son capaces de hacerte disfrutar del presente. Ellas te conectan con el ahora, haciendo que la paz se adueñe de tí.

Tener un espacio sagrado, donde tu alma sane, es vital para llevar una vida saludable. Pues cuerpo, mente y alma son uno. Ellos deben estar en armonía. De esa manera, las soluciones a las interrogantes que la vida nos impone, siempre tendrán la respuesta correcta.

Here I show you some of the photos of this place that is so special to me.


Aquí les muestro algunas de las fotos de este lugar tan especial para mí.

Thank you very much for taking a minute to read my post. May good energy be with you. I wish you a nice day.


Muchas gracias por tomar un minuto para leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Les deseo un lindo día.


The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my native language.


El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el inglés no es mi idioma materno.


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Thank you very much 😊

You're a star @yeni82! Your daily posts are making a big impact and keeping Hive shining bright.

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Well, I have a very Very VERY distant relationship with the sea, so to date we have met only twice. haha! But still, I can say that what you have said about the time spent at the seashore is correct. Beaches are a great place to to meditate, to dive deep into our soul and to #FeelGood! :)
Sending love and Ecency Vote!

The sea transmits a lot of peace. You fall in love with it from the first moment you visit it. Thank you very much for the vote of ecency. Greetings and blessings. ☺️

The photo shot are perfect representation of the scenery. The details as you described in the body of your article allowed my imagination to travel to the cite.
Nice to share these photos in the community
Thank you

This magical place falls in love with everyone who visits it and has inspired great writers such as Ernest Hemingway. It is a pleasure to share with you the beauties of the place. Although the natural beauty of Playa Pilar surpasses the images captured by my phone. Greetings and nice day. ☺️

Thank you
You are right
I can really appreciate the beauties of Playa Pilar once I am present in the place.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@oadissin(8/15) tipped @yeni82

Thank you very much ☺️

Saludos @yeni82, que lindas fotos, me encanta el mar el paisaje es hermoso y el lugar perfecto para relajarse, hermosas fotografías, gracias por compartir. 🌺🌻🌼🌷💐

Que tengas un lindo día!

Muchas gracias @belkyscabrera por visitar mi blog y dejar su lindo comentario. Playa Pilar es un lugar mágico. Saludos y lindo día ☺️