Happy Birthday to me🎂😍🎈


Yesterday was my birthday and I really have a happy birthday. It was a beautiful day and they made me feel loved.


What made me happiest is that I wanted 3 cakes and with the support and help of family and friends I was able to make my cakes and they were all so beautiful and delicious.


This beauty was chocolate and a lot of Italian meringue.

Red velvet cake.


I have always known it, but every day I check it more. She is my greatest love and the one that gives meaning to my life. My mom.



A little gift from my mom. I know it wasn't much, but I did have a lot of love.


A photo with my godchildren. Baby Ale and baby Isabell, I love my children.


They are my best friend. @mirianmg who has been all my life and she is Dairiana we have been friends for 10 years.


My sister and my nephew❤


I had many chocolates and sweets as a gift from my mom and some friends. I can only thank for such a wonderful and happy day. It was a happy and beautiful birthday.



Happy Birthday! :)

Thanks so much friend💕

You're very welcome :)

Happy Birthday, Denisse!!!

Thanks so much dear💕

¡Feliz Cumpleaños @denissemata!

Muchas gracias💙

Happy Birthday to you and have a good year and make lots of good cake.

Thanks so much friend💙💙💙

You're welcome

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