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RE: Paseando por Toledo

in Top Family11 months ago

How are you dear friend @sacra97 good morning
What beautiful shots, it does not let you appreciate the beauty of the city
I appreciate you sharing this beautiful travel experience.
have a splendid day


Thank you very much my dear @jlufer, I really wish I had more time and votes to visit all my hive friends who always contribute nice things to the community.

Thanks a lot. It really is a very beautiful city, very touristy, they keep everything old there very well, so I have to go there to preserve myself ha ha, a hug of thanks.


Muchísimas gracias mi querido @jlufer de verdad quisiera tener más tiempo y votos para visitar a todos mis amigos de hive que siempre aportan cosas bonitas a la comunidad.

Muchísimas gracias. si en verdad es una ciudad muy hermosa, muy turística allá todo lo viejo lo conservan muy bien, así que tengo que irme para allá para conservarme ja, ja, un abrazo de agradecimiento.

Thank you very much for your words. I still had some earrings to remove. Grateful for your words. A hug @jlufer