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RE: Well, a new belated #ttt post. But that's ok. Cuz today we are going back to my funky roots!

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)

Good things are worth waiting for!! Isn't that what they say man, thoroughly enjoyed these. The Chambers brothers owning the Funk there, Quality stuff!

"Right about now the Funk Soul Brother....."

Was that song about you by any chance?? Cracking tunes again this week, looking forward to listening to them more closely over the weekend 👍


Good things are worth waiting for!! Isn't that what they say man

Oh yeah! That's what they say and I agree with them most of the time. :D

thoroughly enjoyed these.

Glad to know it bro!

The Chambers brothers owning the Funk there, Quality stuff!

Indeed!! but for some strange reason, they've been pretty underrated in the history of soul and funk. I really dunno why? But I can tell you, that in my book of Soul & Funky music they are well high on top.

"Right about now the Funk Soul Brother....."

Was that song about you by any chance??

Uhm, well, perhaps?... Maybe if I looked myself in the mirror right now, I would say that they were talking about me. LoL

Cracking tunes again this week, looking forward to listening to them more closely over the weekend 👍

Oh! yeah brother. Take your time mate. Because these songs I recommend that you listen to them with your eyes closed from beginning to end without missing any detail. And once you have listened to them with absolute attention, then you can start dancing them remembering everything that I have narrated in this post.

Cheers!! :)