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RE: Spread the Vibes: Toilet Brushes and Music

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

I guess it depends on the person. I think Dutch are usually more on time compared to other cultures.
That said: I'm ALWAYS on time with official commitments, but I usually start working very late. For a reason though: I create my best work under pressure, and the best pressure is time pressure. Setting deadlines for myself doesn't work. Setting deadlines by others, works, especially in business. A deadline is for instance a meeting with the customer. Or an offer at date xyz. In private life, I usually am late arriving at friends since usually, it doesn't matter too much. But when someone is waiting for dinner at exactly abc hrs, I make sure I'm always on time.
In essence, the more important it is for the other person(s) that I deliver in time, the more strict I am delivering on time.
I think I'm different to the average Dutch person though. Most don't want to work under lots of pressure, whilst I create the best results under such pressure.


usually am late arriving at friends

I don't remember now who and when told me this: VIP always arrive late 😁

But, when you said "under pressure" , and as this is a music post, I started writing a bit longer response to this comment - responding with music 🎶 Almost wanted to do a whole Original vs Covers post 😎 had several already selected YouTube tabs open and then the nafter thing came 🤣 So closed all of them, played the piano and will leave just two things here without further writing :)))

I don't have to write the artist hehehe

hahahahaha you are again too funny 😂

VIP always arrive late

Euhm... VIP: very intelligent person? Then I must be the exception to the rule {LOL}

Under Pressure tracks

How cool! Didn't hear both versions for a long long long time. Such a great song!

VIP: very intelligent person?

Well, there are many adjectives starting on that letter that could be used... Have at least 10 in my head that could write down here, but as time is so relative 🤣 arriving late actually isn't arriving late in some other realm, so will skip making the list ;)

Glad you like this song too 🎶🎶 :)