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RE: Benediction of God in solitude: A Beautiful Poem Inspired by Franz Liszt

This is really beautiful Zer-Bear 🤗

You constantly surprise me, you are such a wonderfully deep and multifaceted person!

Who would think on one feed two posts would be touching- one a joke about porn careers, and one featuring wonderful classical music with a poem about God. 😂 if that doesn’t sum up what it feels like to be your friend, I don’t know what does 🤣 !LOLZ

I like the writings of hermetics who talk about how all the hells, and the heavens, are within. Connection in all- as above, so below- Crowley and Waite come to mind, funny enough cause they didn’t like each other… (this isn’t what I meant to talk about, REROUTE)

ANYHOW I bring that up, because it’s like you’ve taken aspects of these classic frosty works, and added a romance to them with this poem.

I think you could be any range of spiritual or religious, from a skeptic agnostic to a nun, and find a connection to something bigger in your words.

An amazing message of the importance of looking within 😍 !LUV


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The letter H

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Thanks Grindy😁🤍

you are such a wonderfully deep and multifaceted person!

Oh my God! No one's ever known me like you do!

Oh yeah, that sums it all really XD. Welcome to the Ship! Be warned: There is no turning back from here on :)

you’ve taken aspects of these classic frosty works, and added a romance to them with this poem.

Ouu... I like the way you said it... Makes me look like some type of genius writer, or philosopher, or something. Eh, keep talking...😌

Indeed, I feel the same way!(well, maybe not about the skeptic agnostic thing). In reality, i am actually quite the religious/spiritual like person but not in the over the top - annoying manner that you would find in SE religions; just subtle — more like a deep thinker and lover of the world so to speak. And much like you have described as well.

Aw, thanks! Always puts a smile on my face when you're around bud. Also btw, what's up! How's the fam!