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RE: What Does It Mean To Wear This Uniform?

This is so touching, The best thing that has ever happened is that you were there for each other. It's a great thing to know that you never give up during the tough time. I believe there are more achievement coming your ways, the sky is just a starting point.
A good post to reflect on..


Hello dear friend. The truth is that I am wrapped in tears and reflections with the arrival of December. My dad's care has kept me a bit away from my work, and on the 16th of this month will be our last concert and I still have a lot of studying to do, but on Monday I will catch up with the music. I think the most difficult thing about my situation is that my family and my work are not in the same city, but the positive thing is that they are neighboring cities, but the disorder in my life is not normal. Thank God I have the Hive Open Mic also to distract me. Sending you a hug and my eternal thanks for your comment...