Possible reasons why there were so many spiderwebs...?

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)


They extended all around. Thin threads, woven with a lot of skill that only the most experienced spiders can do. Experience, that's what they probably needed, those spiders who knit the cobweb in that entrance hall of the hotel. Those spiderwebs weren't here yet on Wednesday, because that was the last time I was here and everything was clean. Spotless.


In those few days, I guess the following things could have happened at the hotel. It's a kind of conspiracy woven between the spiders and the cleaning ladies! Times are difficult, and the staff responsible to keep the hotel clean and shiny decided to take some days on the strike. Nada de la limpieza! Estamos en huelga. Probably they wanted a higher salary, or less work, that part I could not figure out.

Or they just became lazy. You know, it is not easy to work in that beautiful place. There is the sea, the beach, the sun... it is not impossible they just took a few days to enjoy these sunny days. Too tempting. Who would clean and work if the beautiful day is calling?


In the meantime, the spiders used that time to build their own world. They prepared the terrain and built their web. They made it pretty well, with artistry, I could say. On the wall, showcases, flowers, decorations, tables, it was everywhere. Seems they enjoyed their time and even made a favour to this place. In one or two days, some people will celebrate a thing that includes spiderwebs, and scary and creepy things. If I think better, maybe it was the idea of the hotel management so they don't have to pay a person to decorate it additionally. The spiders enjoyed making the webs, the cleaning staff enjoyed the free days and the hotel didn't have to pay for decoration. Everyone is happy in this situation!


But I know at least two people who would not enjoy this. One of my students is scared of spiders and she many times mention it to me. They moved into a new house (actually an old, but refurbished house) so there were some spiders that appeared. She was not happy with them...
And the second one is a composer, whom I could not know in person, of course, but I do know he suffered from arachnophobia. His name is György Ligeti. I wonder whether he would like this flower trapped in this cobweb.


So, who was György Ligeti?
Until now you know that he had that spider phobia, but additional (and not that important for this spider-inspired post) information is also coming. He was a Hungarian contemporary classical music composer. Béla Bartók (another Hungarian composer) influenced his music, and it can be heard very well in the set of compositions for the piano solo Musica ricercata. Ligeti used here fragments from Bartok's Mikrokosmos, but maybe you can also hear that folkloric melody in the right hand in the following composition (piece no. 7 from Musica ricercata). The left hand has a quick, seven-note ostinato during the whole piece.

video source

I could easily imagine a spider weaving its sophisticated web, on the rhythm of this piece. Why Ligeti was scared of them? Would he survive a day in this hotel seeing the cobweb all around, even if it was just a fake one?
Let us leave it to mystery and just enjoy this composition and the decoration I saw today in the hotel where I play my Sunday gigs.

Btw, if you have an idea why there were spiderwebs here... let me know your version of the story! Be spider-inspired.
And what about this composition? Who liked it? :))



Unusual decoration solution 🤓

When the Halloween thing finishes, it will be probably taken away :))

If only spiders will give 😆

Hahaha 🤣 funny funny… 😉🤓
It could have many reasons, but let’s say 🎃👻

Night night 👋🏻 For later… 😴

Hahaha, glad you got it and had fun 😂😂
Yeah, that 🎃👻 thing could be the reason, but who knows 😂

Good night @littlebee4 🕷️🕸️

It was 😁🤣
Indeed it could… but maybe it isn’t… hahahaha !LOL
Thank you so much @mipiano 👋🏻😁 night night
Happy 🎃👻🕷🕸

Why should you never play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs.

Credit: marshmellowman
@mipiano, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @littlebee4

Have you tried the !gif !lolz !meme combo? It is a wall of fun!

Credit: tomakami
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Face your phobias with exposure therapy some might say.

This film is the first step with some added humor and a boatload of spiders too. I haven't seen this one in ages, I really should go back and watch it.

I've noticed your web infestations usually start appearing mid October and magically disappear on November 1st. What could be the reason?

Happy Halloween.

Hahaha, I think I should watch this video tomorrow morning 😁
It would be good to have some sleep, without spider nightmares 😂

What could be the reason?

Seems you have the answer already 😌

It's amazing how fast a spider can knit its cobweb with artistry and many of these cobwebs are so strong and beautiful. But, in Chile there is a spider that is highly venenous. It is know as araña de rincón or "corner spider" and its favorite place is a wardrobe. I think that Is really scared!😅
I love the composition!❤️🥰
Thanks for your post, @mipiano.👍🏻😃

Yes, they are very fast in knitting their webs. Amazing creatures but that's true, some of them are poisonous. Just checked how this araña de rincón looks like 🕷️
I am glad you liked the composition, I like it too ☺️ 🎶🎶🎶🎹

An interesting story. Could I borrow those spiders so they can decorate my house too? 🤔😂

Hahaha, yes! Then you wouldn't have to do anything, the spiders would do the complete decoration 🕷️

Personalmente, siempre he hallado a las telarañas fascinantes. Es decir, la geometría que tienen. El cómo las producen unos insectos realmente pequeños y tan independientes. La utilidad que tienen. Sencillamente, la biología no se guarda nunca nada. Tremendo post, amiga. De verdad que sí.

Me alegro que te gustó esta pequeña publicación graciosa, y sí, a la vez podemos admirar a estos insectos que hacen con tanta perfección su telaraña. 🕸️🕸️🕸️

No matter how impressed I am with the art of weaving a spider's web, it would be great if they also got the skills to clean it, you know when they move out not to leave a mess behind.:D

Oh, I like this synth background rhythm, it resembles fast tentacles.

Hahahha, the skill to clean the mess behind 😂
No, they leave it as a reminder of how great it was to live with them together :D

You liked the music 😍🎶

You liked the music 😍🎶

I did! You are discovering new pieces to me, its good as the previous one from the tunnel ride, and I had that one on a loop.:D

Oh, the track from the tunnel ride post has to be on loop! It's just that beautiful and hypnotic 😎

Waaw I'm very curious how the spider looks like, will we become spiderman if it gets a bite😅

I also found one strange spider a few days ago, unfortunately only one photo I got, he ran away and rolled up all his nets, very strange as hell



Well, there were some people with strange powers, maybe they were several spidermen who decorated the hall 😂 Now we have an interesting twist to the story :))))

Oh, that is a very cute spider you have found. One photo is better than zero photos :D


Yes one is indeed better than nothing, thank you very much for the response ma'am🙏

When I was a kid, I like playing with spiders with my siblings. There was even a spider fight back then 😅. My brothers were looking for different kinds and they will put them into a fight using a stick.

I once watched a Korean drama wherein the female lead character was so afraid of spiders. That's because of past incidents where spiders are involved... So some have trauma to spiders so they are scared of them... They are cute though.. But not the tarantula 😂..

Playing with the spiders with sticks and having fights? Huh, that's something! I think we have never done that, well, maybe there were no interesting spiders around.

Tarantula. It is cute spider too... but not to meet it in real 😂

@tipu curate :)

Really interesting story nice my dear friend 😍

Thank you :)

Those spiders worked overtime to weave that many cobwebs. I hope the maintenance staff had a good time at the beach.
There's something about the track you shared that kind of creeps me out a little, it's not the piano itself, it's the background I think, hahaha.

A creepy sound that the shared music gave you? This composer Ligeti wrote many of this creepy sounding music 🎶🎶🎶
The ostinato in the left hand is hypnotic :D

perhaps there were just many spiders? perhaps we should search the web for an explanation? 😃

Search the web for explanation 😂
This is a good answer 😃

The spiders enjoyed making the webs, the cleaning staff enjoyed the free days and the hotel didn't have to pay for decoration.

It's a win-win situation for both parties, lol hahaha.

I think there were spiderwebs because it's already the time of the year when the darkness is slowly creeping into our world and they're using the spiders to remind us that they're here 👻🎃

Yes, win-win situation for everyone :D
Darkness slowly creeping into our world? Maybe the lightness will start coming back soon :))