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RE: Spreading The VIbes - Against All Odds

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago (edited)

I know, one day passed from your post, and just now my comment is coming here. But this article deserves more attention, without any doubt! You made an extra effort here to bring the life story of a man, which can be seen as tragic, but which worked like a miracle. Like you said in similar words, we can take advantage of our troubles to grow, as individuals, and as professionals. I think the example of Django is spot on! Also, it is amazing to see other musicians overcoming disabilities like blindness (a lot of pianists, singers around) or just look at Beethoven's example, getting deaf and composing the late masterpieces when he was completely deaf! Also, Robert Schumann and his hand injury, which I mention so many times, but yeah, he could not manage so well his situation. should never wait for someone else's approval, to embrace your destiny. You saw how many times Django's fate was tested, and you saw how he got the upper hand?
Adapting, it's what we do, there will always be highs and lows, it's up to you to use the lows to your advantage, and ride the highs to gain momentum.

This is the paragraph that summarises perfectly Django's life, but not just that, it is a great lesson to all of us. We have our lows, true. We do sometimes need them, but staying there for too long time is not always good. Then just a click come and we are heading towards high and exceptional things. He certainly was that stubborn that could overcome the lows, the "disabilities" became abilities and made him shine in a different light. Very very good that you brought his example @edprivat (yeah, sorry for the tag 😂 ) and connected to @jaydr's article in that way. Super connection, super spreading of the vibes!! I hope your friend @shookriya will catch the vibes and spread them (I see he is not active for some time, but the invite is here forever ;)) )

Anyway, the invite also includes everyone who reads this post and can relate to it, or have a story to share around it!! Hm, me getting ideas for a new post right now hahahaha. Thank you for the inspiration EdPrivat and for joining the Spread The Vibes series. And welcome to this small corner QSounds too 🙌


Yeah Beethoven is still a wonder..
Thats music beyond the ears for you there.

I ll look up Schumann later.

The vibe is spreading ....😁

Omg I am so happy you enjoyed it, there were some pressure on my shoulder after 2 amazing posts by you and @jaydr, it's ok if SHook takes his time to answer, to each their rhythm!

Hm, me getting ideas for a new post right now hahahaha

Aaaaah? Nah I am curious haha, tell me more!

Thanks again for the words of encouragement, and the support, what a great concept!

Aaaaah? Nah I am curious haha, tell me more!

Hahaha, dont know when I will carry out it, but you will know it... thanks hive for the tagging option ;D

Edit: I just realized I wrote before a word that didn't match what I wanted to say...

She's always so kind, her words came in very needful for me to have finished my article.

Ha! I know now why some wings started to grow on my back 😂😂😂


Practically speaking..
You are an angel.. 😀😀😂😂