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RE: What Does It Mean To Wear This Uniform?

wearing that gala uniform of my group, the one I longed for and admired so much (not exactly the dress of the girls, but the tails of the boys

Seriously? You don't want to wear the same dress as Jhoxi? But that would be fun 😁😂

Guys, these photos are so cool! And your path is great, sacrifice and a lot of work...but in the end, it all falls on its place.

December and Christmas. For so many years I used to feel the Christmas sadness. I remember very well one of the years, I was still studying in another city and Christmas Eve arrived. I went home to celebrate the holidays with my family and while my father was preparing the dinner, cooking it outside on the fire ( it's a traditional dish prepared in that way) we hugged and I cried and just cried, for long time. Couldn't say the reason though. So, if you are sad, I understand. But think indeed, your father survived, he fought for the life and you can all be proud of him. As well as he is proud of you. In the end, we have to see the good side and push ourselves a bit not to forget about those good moments, but yeah, Christmas and sadness can so nicely go together. (don't be hard on yourself, it's all good.)


This is the first thing I read today, and I thank you for the words you write to me because I always look for the strength to start each day. I do have the motivation, and it is my dad's life. I have always perceived especially through the songs that Christmas is not exactly as they make it look on television, although it had never happened to me because the first ones who gave me all this Christmas magic were the ones who today fight daily around that bed that is driving me crazy...

I know I will find a way to bring happiness in the midst of the chaos, especially in the last week of this month. In the meantime, I have one last concert scheduled with that tailcoat, far from my hometown, but I will sing with much pride. Jhoxi's dress is very cool, but I don't 🤣