"Three Tune Thursday - Week 100" ¡Let's keep this LOCAL!

¡World's Hot News!

Such as the world is and how it is going these days. Seeing the effect that all this has had on people lately. And being today the 100th weekversary of the #ttt initiative of our good friend @ablaze. How could I not allow myself and give myself the entire license to share just today a whole trio of kickass tunes for this special "Three Tune Thursday" celebration? ¿How was I going to miss the centenary celebration of whatever it was?

Total, everything is always relative in life. And in reality, everything and all is no more than a pure simple matter of own bias and individual's perception of what people think they know and what they think that others know about things. ¿Isn't it?

Nothing is only black and white. Or at least, not just completely black and white. Everything always has its nuances. So, who is truly able to really assure me what day it is today? Because after all, your perception might be wrong. Product of subjective misaligned biases with the real reality of things. Given that no one around here is competing, contesting or participating in anything at all. So, ¿Who gives more? Hahahaha

But well, in any case, I will make all this thing here today only local. Since whatever 100th celebration of anything always seems to me that it should be a bit special. And for me, in general, everything that is special has to be also different. Yes, different, distinct, unique, unusual, local! Oh yeah, I guess that's just my own specific bias and my own particular perception about special things. So, again! ¿Who gives more?

And therefore, here's my own perception of "Local"

The three special tunes that I'm gonna share with you here today, all of them are going to be in a different, distinct, unique, uncommon and somewhat unusual format.

And they are gonna be local, for the simple fact that this trio of special tunes belongs to an excellent Venezuelan Rock band made up of a trio of good young friends of mine to whom I saw born as talented music professionals from the beginning and to whom I hired on many occasions for my own clandestine rock covens and played with them at many of the underground parties that I organized and promoted during the 90s.

This trio of young friends, eventually became into a cult band among the youngsters and oldies of our country within the Venezuelan Rock scene. With multiple and growing followers in various other parts of the world too from the appearance of their first and only album recorded and released on a fleeting trip they made to Argentina.

A privileged and legendary position of success in the history of National Rock that still lasts to this day between youth and adults, as I will leave testimony below. And which despite of its short duration and career as a rock band in the Venezuelan underground movement, it is still considered one of the best bands of their time.

A charismatic band to which 20 years after the recording of their first and only album and their premature disappearance from the stages for various reasons. Shortly after recording their celebrated collector's album. The new generation of relay within the rebirth of the Venezuelan Rock movement in the current scene, many of these younger members recently decided to pay to this trio a well-deserved tribute through the making of a very good documentary in which several of these new bands participate, performing excellent covers of many of those legendary musical pieces that appear recorded on such a distinguished Vzlan Rock album.

In this post I do not plan to talk much more about them, except, perhaps, place here next a couple of links to Wikipedia where you can find some short Bio about the band and other where their firstborn and only album is reviewed with a very brief review of the original name of the songs and whose reviews are only written in spanish unfortunately.

Here--> Dermis Tatú Band and their record "Raped her, Killed her and Cute her" Yeah, click on both links and practice your Spanish a bit. You will need it for what you are gonna hear and enjoy next.

Neither I plan to publish any photos of them. Since you are gonna see them playing live in many of their concerts that were recorded on video at the time as well as in the excellent documentary that I will offer you at the end of this article anyway.

"English review of the documentary"

The different, distinct, unique, uncommon and somewhat unusual of this #ttt today. It is that certainly I will only share three tunes in this post. But I will do this in a way that I have never done before. Yep! ¡Solely three songs! Only, that the 'title with the name of the song' in each video will be a link to the song as it was recorded on the studio album. Just so you also get a chance to appreciate the difference in sound.

And below the title, the video of the original band live performing the same song. And immediately after that video, another video with the current younger band performing a fine cover of the same song such as it's featured in the documentary at the end of this post.

¡Alright folks! then let's not waste any more time on useless descriptions and just put on your fancy headphones and crank up the volume on your amp to the max to fully enjoy of this thursday's musical experience. Take advantage, that this is not every Thursday! LoL


"The Cover"

"Error Por Cometer"

"The Cover"


"The Cover"

"A Brief Biopic"

"A Very Hackneyed Fable"

"The Full Documentary"

Okay pals! well, I hope you've enjoyed of this different, distinct, unique, uncommon, unusual and local musical journey with me my dear melomaniacs. So, the only thing left from me to say now is: Until next Thursday!... erm... Tuesday! ...or whenever folks!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf
