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RE: What do Bach, violin and a game have in common?

Thanks so much, I've still not gotten used to winning anything :) !!!

I'm glad you are feeling better, someone I've been friends with for ages used to have migraines regularly. I hope you can get them under control, they are miserable 😢

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You are welcome and I am happy you joined and made your guess, which was the closest one to the correct answer :)
Congratulations 🥳

Well, I felt better while writing the post yesterday evening, but today morning started in the same way as yesterday 😬 I am better now again, it comes in waves 🤷🏻‍♀️
Funny thing at least 😂

Hope you have a great day and thanks and congrats again for your guess 🥳 👋

Thanks so much, I really enjoyed this 🙌