The issues with establishing new approaches of working

in DClub3 years ago (edited)

When change fails to take root in the culture, business owners make mistakes.
Changes in a company's life take root when they become a daily habit, a way of life in the workplace, when they become blood and water of both production departments and the corporate board of directors. Until the new way of behaving is widely embraced in the organization and becomes a voluntary standard for employees, it will deteriorate every time the reform process is interrupted.


For the successful implementation of innovative techniques in corporate culture, two things are particularly significant. The first is to show how improvements in employee thought and behavior have helped the company operate better. If you leave individuals to their own devices and don't convey the genuine meaning of change, as is often the case, the firm's employees are highly prone to come to incorrect conclusions.

The second issue is that, in order for change to be irreversible, enough time must pass for the next generation of managers to emerge, each embodying new approaches. Change is rarely sustainable while maintaining the same criteria for job progression, which is also a typical mistake. When changing the method of an organization, one overlook, one break in continuity is enough to throw a decade's worth of hard work out the window.

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