
Umm, the consensus doesn't always get stronger, sometimes it breaks and scientists discover the consensus was WRONG.

  • One of the best acheivements for a scientist is proving the consensus wrong!

    Posted via D.Buzz

It is very rare to a scientific consensus be contradicted. Normally they are just perfected. My advice is to not be on the wrong side. Specially when you are distrusting a scientific consensus to follow internet conspiracy theory. It is definitely not something very smart to do.

Umm, well

  1. There's a scientific consenses AND

  2. There's a Government & #BigTech consensus where no discussion is allowed & anyone that disagrees w/Dr. Fauci is censored off the net, ridiculed, shamed & in the case of well respected scientists, not given air time

    Posted via D.Buzz

The "consensus" a.k.a. mainstream narrative of #Covid19 is political/propaganda

Similar to the #WarOnTerror used to invade Middle Eastern countries

 3 years ago (edited) 

Oh wait, I see what you mean, I misread it at first.

  • Yeah you are right.

But there is a lot of people and scientists who contradicted the "Consensus", they are being censored though, and some of them are from Universities, reputable Hospitals, etc.

Posted via D.Buzz

They are not censored, they are refuted using the scientific method. Take for example the intelligent design, the "scientists" that defended it were not censored but completely refuted.

Umm no, check my @dbuzz Profile

  1. I posted a video of an interview w/ Cartherine Fitts, a former banker & US official who points out that 34 of the 37 towns with riots, had a Federal Reserve bank

It got censored

Posted via D.Buzz

What it has to do with science? She is not even a scientist.

She is not a scientist but is my most recent example of someone bring censored who went against the mainstream narratives.

  1. I also saw a patent on WIPO for a #Covid19 test registered in 2015 that was somewho removed from the WIPO site a week or two later.

Its happened a lot

Posted via D.Buzz

The mainstream narrative is mostly supported by science. You cannot go against scientific consensus without being refuted. It would be immoral.

The "consensus" you are talking about has been refuted & is common sense when you analyze the evidence you are obviously not seeing

  • I post it here but I dont think you watch any of the videos

i.e. No one has ever isolated the whole virus, yet #BigPharma sells vaccines?

Posted via D.Buzz

Videos of iinventor of PCR test (the test used for "diagnosing" Covid) where he:

  1. Calls Dr. Fauci a fraud with an agenda.

  2. Explains that the PCR test is NOT used to diagnose anything and cannot be used for it

Have been repeatedly censored, then referenced incorrectly

Posted via D.Buzz

If you haven't seen respected doctors, researchers & scientists who call mask wearing completely ineffective (in most cases) & unnecessary..

Get censored from the net, you must only tune into the programming of #Mainstream #Media

That video I posted fot deleted w/12 hours

Posted via D.Buzz

Science has nothing to do with individual opinions, but with the consensus. Science is not opinion, it has methods and criteria to follow until it gets to its final conclusions.

  • The "consensus" you are referring to is an artificial one, since the rulings as dictated from Dr. Fauci & WHO are NOT open for debate

Agree with the Government or get censored

Posted via D.Buzz