Sad truth that we are living in a time when in one company there is example 850 pe ...

in DBuzz • 11 months ago

... ople and from that just 250 have to work hard the rest is just there to chat and have a coffee break and they have 3x more salary than the 250 who really make something.🤔
#dbuzz #life #truth

Posted via D.Buzz


And the owners of a company often does not even work. Yet they have a much higher income than the workers. The wealth distribution is unequal worldwide. The upper 10% live from the hard work of the 90%.

Not just the owners. There where I am right now I see that those who are working in the office they just create nonsense positions with 2-3x more salary. While those who are doing the real work they get 2-3x less. I even catch the HR workers playing online at the office pfffff😞

Posted via D.Buzz