why should i even bother lol
Because it's an awesome idea. Don't let a lack of upvotes limit your creativity. If the right eyes see this, I think it will explode. Physical HIVE? In hexagon packaging? So cool. Once it's something in hand, I think it will click in the minds of people just how amazing an idea this is. Whatever you're willing to send physically, I'll review and promote and get the word out. I'd even put it on ctpx.io and listnerds, threads, alive tribe - I'd blast it everywhere.
ur right i was just frustrated
im just really greedy and feel entitled to more hive
and if course i will make more but i di need help oaying for minring good hive nfts that will be nice to print lol juat sucks how itsbfree ri mint in every ither chain ir so cheap like half a penny oer nft while openhive nftshowroom snd tribaldex hive engine nfts cost 3 ro 10 hive to mint!!!!! wtff haha
like 0.33 oer edition is insane i can never make as many on hive as i want to like i cam on wax all day long
i need a cheaper openhive nft minting
we need a site fir cheap nfts mintable on hive and its our account rcs we shouod be able to make nfts and post the good ones actualy every nft shoule be a post or even a comment so it doesnt spam and we can just have the hive daop post all our Hive nfts minted uwing norhing but resource credits
bow ThAT wous be a dream
steemit was so incredible lets look past the crazy grouprhink propaganda rage and remember the good old days back when dan larimwr eas still there or right after he ledt when ned scott and south korea and kingscown made steem 8 dollard and a abillikn marketcap
shit was amazing and we were able to make so much money so i KNOW hive has pote toal
hive CAN get back uo to that point ince day and behond but we beed a lot nire irgans snd grouos daos and cheaper nfts and a way to make posts as nfts
nfts as comments so we vite the best ones to be reposted as posts and upcote the bwst nft artworo and hive resources credits shoule replace minting fees that make ne have to pay like a few follars juat to mint 10 jfts its as bad as ethereum gas fees!
so if hive jjat had cheaper nfts we couls have an exlloaion in hive nfta that get mized with bligging
cheapnnfts u cam collect and buy for free using hive rewards now thats a aystsmebthat peopoe will get onbiard with
anyway exprct me to make more hive hexagons im gona cut some iut ridsy at fedex and i have gexahin coin cases almost arriving in bext few days so ill uave really cool shiney red hive coins soon
oh and i ordered a woodnplastic carving acutting engraber so i can lader cut lil wooden and plastic hive logos and add my hologram stickers lol its gonna be dope
mailing today, now it will be up to ben haase if he wants to rewrite the key to the nfc, im mailing a backup key printed just to have incase u loose the card etc