
'Size does matter', или по Гегелю, - "количество переходит в качество". Это ж омары - излюбленный деликатесный ланч миллионеров! 😛 !BEER

Как по мне, что устрицы, что омары - это какой-то развод на деньги! )

Не могу поспорить, ибо ни разу не пробовал ни тех, ни других! только креветки иногда делают мне меню 🙂

Я в прошлом году попробовал устриц - бро, это не передать словами / запах тины, вкус подпорченной селёдки, консистенция соплей - хуже наверно только сюрстрёмминг!

Posted via D.Buzz

It's an exotic food, and some people just like the exoticness and it drives the price up. It's crazy, I haven't eaten big shrimps like this

I also haven’t eaten such large ones - according to the reviews of those who have tried this, it is not worth doing - since ordinary shrimp are more juicy and the process of peeling and eating them is more extended in time and more interesting! )

Yeah, I've seen documentaries where people had to have scissors to pick the meat from Inside those hard back.

I've no idea too, I'm not really interested in seafood but I sometimes saw things very expensive things that shocks me 😂

This is probably for tourists - I’ve never seen Thais buy or eat them.

So, this is actually a food like this??

There are a lot of them in Thai markets - but the price is very high and people very rarely buy them.

Wao, this is very massive. I don't really see things like this here, that's why it's strange to me. Definitely, you have a lot of things to buy in the market.

I think it’s not worth spending money - regular fresh shrimp are much tastier and cheaper!

Wao! That's amazing. But one who is not used to it won't know about it


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