
I think they are some sort of mental disabled working org, making HIVE DIE conform. But beyond that, why would they lie about you. No clue, don't care.

I don’t know. I don’t deal with them. I agree they kill the chain activity. I am not even in their discord server. So you can take your bull shit somewhere else and get my name out of your fucking mouth. Again, I don’t even know who the fuck you are, so you are not important enough for me to even fucking think about much less getting those fuckers involved.

If @hivewatchers is saying I said anything, they need to come to me, because there is someone apparently claiming to be me. They need to keep my name out of their fucking mouth too! I haven’t said shit about anyone. I would encourage @guiltyparties to contact me about this and get his people under control, because I try to stay as neutral here as possible and if they are spreading false rumors about me, they are messing with the wrong dude!

I am here on chain, not some fucking discord server talking about it, so why the fuck would I lie about this shit?

The claim was you run a database that is being used to keep track of flagged people across multiple anti-abuse tools. I can not tell you who said that, because they all use the same alias outwards.

But if that was misinformation, I'll gladly apologize!

We know nothing about anyone claiming to be you. This is information new to us.

I would recommend ignoring manniman account.
This account is a well-known trolling account.
It's best to mute this account as you are likely going to be the target of attempted doxxing, threats and insults.

I would recommend people to mute you and ignore your suggestions.

Your only comeback to any criticism is they are trolling you.

People can do a lot worse than trolling when you push them too far.

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Will do, thanks for the reply.

That is an insane level of nonsense and I am not surprised.

You can not arbitrary accuse me of crimes here. I need you to retract that. I am fairly doxed all around, there is no way I can let you make statements like that without taking legal action.

Just being honest here.