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RE: 27 Things I Learned at 27 AND Happy First MontHIVErsary to me!

in Discovery-it3 years ago

AWESOOOMEEEEE!!! Fave nako ang realization #9 kay relate sd ko HAHAHAHA

This is so amazing! I don't know if you know pero you're one of my inspirations to why I write and why I pursued writing<3

Congrats on your 1st month on Hive!!!!😘


Bwhahahaha mga clumsy gyud ta ateee😜😂🤣

Yieee thanks much ate, maka flatter, I'm glad you feel that way🤗😘

Yayyyayayayyy ikaw nasad mag celeb imo first monthsary hapit naaaa🥳😘💕♥️❤️✨🙌💛