
that little tiny house looks really pretty

You have Soo little HP and Upvote so's not helping you or the people you upvote! Here is a link...keep your voting bar above 80%...even if you only upvote 10 times a day, it will make a difference for you and the one you upvote!
The way you do it one gets any benefits!

Ohhh i didnt know that , i will let my hp recover and dont let go down 80% ... what's the minimun tresh hold for uvpotes? like 0.01?

In your case is 0.0

Very nice photo, looks very natural and very alive, trees and a few beautiful buildings

Great nature pics bro.
That first one looks like a shrine of sorts..
The other looks like a big dog house😂
As always your as active as ever...
16k today😵🤧

Dear @abbak7,
May I ask you to review and support the new HiveSQL Proposal so we can keep it free to use for the community?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, /
or using HiveSigner

Thank you!


Thank you for your support @abbak7, really appreciate it! 👍
Without imposing and as we are in a renewal period for proposals, if you could take a look at the HiveBuzz Proposal Renewal - #248 as well 😁