My Actifit Report Card: May 23 2024

in Actifit29 days ago

I got up this morning and took Hawthorne out, then I had breakfast and a cup of coffee. After that, I wrote my newsletter and did a little work.

I drove to Gaithersburg, Maryland to set up a book table and sold books for seven hours.

One of the best parts of selling books is meeting other authors. And they support me by buying my book.

After selling books, I drove back to Gettysburg and ate dinner. Then I hung out with my wife and granddaughter. I ended with more than 8,000 activity points.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking


You need a nice big sign saying "10% off if you pay with HBD or HIVE". People will ask "what's that ?" and then you can lure them into the world of Web3 😁

That would require the grocery store accepting Hive or HBD. Not likely to happen.

Ah, that's a shame ! I reckon if we could persuade a bunch of shops in a single area to take HBD or HIVE, and then gradually extend the footprint it would really help adoption. I wonder how the store would react if you said you'd take the HBD, and then pass them an equivalent value in USD ?

Seeing as how it's a grocery story chain, I'd have to run through a lot of red tape. Plus, I don't communicate directly with the chain management. I'm a member of a program that gets me into the stores. So, I'd have to go to that program manager, convince him, then have him convince the grocery stores. I might be able to convince Ray, but it would be a challenge to convince the grocery store chains. We're talking about the biggest ones in the country and they don't like change.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it would be a huge uphill climb. We'd be better off starting with small chains and independent grocery stores.
