[PL / ENG] 🏃🏼‍♀️ My Actifit Report Card: September 30 2024

in Actifit5 days ago


Nikt mnie nie powstrzyma!
Chyba, że los ;)
Ale wczoraj znowu poszłam biegać. Nie lubię biegania - stanowczo wolałabym zrobić mój trening na macie z hantlami. Ale niestety: z dwójką dzieci nie mam na to szans. Już nawet oglądałam karnety w pobliskich siłowniach, ale żeby się to opłaciło, musiałabym mieć pewność, o której mój mąż wróci do domu. A tej pewności nigdy nie mam. Wczoraj mój mąż wrócił o takiej porze, kiedy Garmin informował, że do zachodu słońca zostały 34 minuty. Zanim wskoczyłam w dres i zrobiłam błyskawiczną rozgrzewkę, słońce już machało papa, więc nie dobiegłam niestety do tej malowniczej górki co ostatnio. Bo inaczej tam biegać w sobotni poranek, w tłumie babć z kijkami, a inaczej wieczorem, w samotności, po ciemku. Po prostu bym się bała. Wybiegłam więc z powrotem na ulicę i tam dokończyłam trening.
I cóż, to pewnie moje ostatnie dni biegania, bo po ciemku biegać nie będę. A tym bardziej w smogu. Trzeba wymyśleć jakąś alternatywę. Niania w ciągu dnia, albo jednak karnet na wieczorną siłownię - tylko, że ja tak wieczorem niezbyt lubię...

Nobody can stop me!
Unless the fate ;)
But yesterday I went running again. I don't like running - I would definitely prefer to do my workout on a mat with dumbbells. But unfortunately: I have no chance of that with two children. I've even looked at the passes in nearby gyms, but for it to be worth it, I would have to be sure what time my husband would be home. And I never have that certainty. Yesterday, my husband came back at a time when Garmin reported that there were 34 minutes left until sunset. Before I jumped into my tracksuit and did a quick warm-up, the sun was already waving goodbye, so unfortunately I didn't make it to that picturesque hill as last time. Because running there on a Saturday morning, in a crowd of grannies with poles, would be different than running there in the evening, alone, in the dark. I would simply be afraid. So I ran back out into the street and finished my workout there.
And well, these are probably my last days of running, because I won't be running in the dark. And even more so in smog. We need to think of some alternative. A nanny during the day, or a pass for the evening gym - only I don't really like it in the evening...


No, ale w każdym razie - dopóki jeszcze słonko machało, to było niezwykle malowniczo nad tym Rozlewiskiem :)

Well, anyway - while the sun was still shining, it was incredibly picturesque over this Pool :)


Garminek jest terrorystą, kazał mi tym razem robić trening progowy. Naprawdę byłabym żywo zainteresowana trenowaniem z nim, tak porządnie. Niestety, w naszym terenie chyba mi się nie uda, nawet gdybym miała tyle czasu. Bo na początku kazał mi biegać wolniej niż biegłam (a biegłam z górki), a potem w głównej części treningu bardzo mnie pospieszał (a miałam pod górkę i ledwo dychałam). Tak czy siak, było fajnie, wszyscy zadowoleni, 31 godzin regeneracji przede mną.

Garmin is a terrorist, he made me do threshold training this time. I would really be interested in training with him, properly. Unfortunately, in our area I probably won't manage, even if I had that much time. Because at the beginning he made me run slower than I ran (and I was running downhill), and then in the main part of the training he really rushed me (and I was running uphill and I was barely breathing). Anyway, it was great, everyone was happy, 31 hours of recovery ahead of me.


_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@asia-pl/actifit-asia-pl-20241001t094753966z)_

Daily Activity, Jogging

u can do your workout earlier so that u will not be scared next time
take care

Yeah, but who would take care of my kids then 😬

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Hi, you probably have your training set according to your pace, try to set it according to your heart rate and then it doesn't matter if you run on flat or uphill.

True, but it is automatic training and I dont know how to change it 🙄

You can change it like this. You put your pace on the flat and your heart rate on the hills.
I keep my heart rate up there all the time, sometimes I look at the pace.
The watch menu is in Czech, I hope that's clear.

Ooo, ok I will try this 😁 thanks!

You're welcome.
Only stretches under 1 minute (sprints for example) will still show it at pace even when the heart rate is set.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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