June 21 2022 - Train strike

in Actifit2 years ago

Today I couldn't go into the office because of a train strike. Luckily, Covid made it easy to work from home so it didn't really have much of an impact.

However, it did impact how many steps I made during the day.

After work I did a gym workout and that helped get my steps up a bit. I also had to water the garden as its quite dry at the moment.

Not sure I really agree with the strikes though. I donget that people want to raise their standard of living but higher salary just feeds further inflation. The real problem is incompetence of government and some corporations.

We need to fix broken supply chains, reskill workers and find more workers. Covid, Brexit and incompetent government have made that hard.

We need to fix the route cause.

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Each day is worth celebrating being #alive Today's post is part of my daily participation in the #IamAliveChallenge

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Another shoutout to @bradleyarrow

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Gym


I’m more than happy to share some of our rain 😉

Haha, can you put it on my garden 😄


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