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RE: UK vote registry & windy bike ride for food! πŸ’¨πŸš²πŸ•πŸ…πŸŒπŸšπŸ˜©πŸ’ͺ😁: October 26th 2021

in Actifit β€’ 3 years ago

Going to try again as WineX added staking. Try this !wine

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Hey @awah!
It's so ironic, I saw your comment about #WINEX, then a few hours later I saw this new sign on a bars window! WINEX the new wine in a small individual bottle! It's so pratical for bars, I don't know why no one has done this earlier! Anyway, there you go, #WINEX and WINEX launching simultaneously! LOL


Thanks for the heads up, I'll be checking out #WINEX as soon as I have enough WINE, I think I'm close! ;)





Trade, you've been given LUV from @griega.

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Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Hey again @awah,
My journal has a daily saying at the end of every day and the saying for the day we posted about WineX and I mentioned irony, the saying was "Irony is a sadness that can't cry, so it smiles (La ironia es una tristeza que no puede llorar y sonrie) - Jacinto Benavente"

To make it even more 'ironic' if possible! LOL
Have a nice day, Lee :)
Even if the correct term would really be 'coincidental', ironically i used 'ironic'! LOL

Ironic 🀣🀣🀣


REALLY ironic! 🀣🀣🀣

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