Day 13333 of my life

in Actifit • last month

Good morning actifitters 👋 Yesterday was Day 13333 of my life.
Yesterday was another great day off, in which we had a great time.. Although the weather forecast was that it would rain in the afternoon.. Until noon the weather was nice and in the afternoon it rained just when we were going to bed for the afternoon nap, then it stopped and in the evening we went for a walk in the park again..

In the morning my daughter had a rehearsal in the church choir, in which the kindergarten music teacher invited her to join..I rode a little bike and went to the park with them after they finished

right before we went to bed, it rained heavily, which, as I said, stopped when we woke up, luckily for us

my daughter and I took my wife to work and stopped at Lidl to do some shopping and treat ourselves to an ice cream

After we got home, but we got bored, we decided to go to the park for a walk, the weather was nice, in places there were big puddles from the heavy rain, but that didn't stop us

It was a good day
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Cycling, Daily Activity, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking
180 cm
92 kg
Body Fat


Raya will make a good chorister from the way I'm seeing it. Nice bike you've got there

thank you


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