Every Step Tells a Story: A Saturday of Errands and Exploration

in Actifitlast month

Saturdays often blend the promise of relaxation with the necessity of errands. This Saturday, after clearing my morning tasks, I embarked on a 12.5km walk that proved to be more than just exercise—it was an exploration of historical whispers and natural beauty.

As I ventured beyond the usual paths, I stumbled upon a scene where history and nature intertwined. An old industrial chimney stood resiliently among lush greenery, while the nearby river trail offered picturesque views under the perfect afternoon sun. Nature’s resilience was on full display, juxtaposed against the modern hum of distant power lines—a blend of the old and the new.

Returning home, my fitness app registered 21,000 steps and 16 kilometers, numbers that barely skimmed the surface of today’s adventure. It was a journey through time and an exploration of tranquility just a walk away. Each walk is a narrative, and today’s was a chapter of unexpected beauty.

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

Feel free to follow me on Instagram too! instagram.com/bjornbeheydt

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io




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My neighbors listen to really good music.
Whether they like it or not.

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Why did the alcoholic go to the doctors office?
Because he thought there would be shots.

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I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

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It’s not tearable.

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I'm glad that you had such a lovely Saturday, @borniet, and you got sun! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Indeed! And we have sun again today! But precipitation for next week is expected to be very high again 😳

That's marvelous to hear! Yeah, I definitely know how that is, as it's been way cloudier and rainier here than is usual for this time of year. Several of us are thinking that it is chemtrail geo-engineering spraying blowing in on the jet streams from the mainland, as it is not normal. It's been gray and cloudy for weeks on end, with an occasional sunny day here and there. Not very inspiring weather, that is for sure! May we both get a good dose of sun! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

I already got my part of sunlight in this morning, before the week (or more, currently as far as the forecast goes) of rain will start...
Yeah, not sure if it is chemtrails, some other technology, climate change or anything, but we are beating records on the nr of grey days and the amount of rain these days...

We often get a little sun in the morning, then it turns gray quickly, so whenever the sun comes out, I'm out enjoying it, and taking photos for my posts. It's rained torrentially today for quite long periods of time. It finally let up for a bit again.

There are multiple weather manipulation/warfare and geoengineering technologies in use, chemtrails, or rather the substances being sprayed in them, being one component. At the present time their use is at a massively-elevated level. The chemtrail component, sometimes called cloud seeding, is in heavy use in many areas, especially more heavily populated ones. I've never seen chemtrails being sprayed out here, thankfully, but with their intensified use on the US mainland, and us being on the winward side of the Island, it does seem that the jet streams are carrying unpleasant gifts from the mainland to us. The record number of gray days is a thing in many places presently. There are areas of England that haven't seen sun in months. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


That's so not good to hear... Didn't know the US was also using it btw... I thought it would be mostly China...

Yes, I'm incredibly grateful that they don't seem to be spraying this Island! Yes, unfortunately their use is quite intense in most countries presently, and it's really bad in many areas of the US too. China does it too, of course. 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Dear @tydynrain, you just got hugged.
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