A Walk to Remember: 20km Before the Storm

in Actifitlast month

There’s something magical about pushing yourself to the limit right before nature reminds you of its power. Today, I set out for what turned into a 20km trek, clocking 27,284 steps and burning a whopping 2410 kcal. With every step, I felt more connected to the world around me, from the serene canal paths to the looming storm clouds on the horizon.

The journey started under a brilliant blue sky, with fluffy white clouds lazily drifting by. As I walked, the scenery shifted, the vibrant greens of the trees reflecting in the still waters of the canal. It was one of those perfect days where everything seemed in harmony – until the sky started to darken.

As the first rumbles of thunder echoed in the distance, I quickened my pace. There’s a certain thrill in racing against a storm, knowing that at any moment, the skies could open up. My heart rate spiked, not just from the exertion but from the excitement of the impending weather.

When I finally made it back home, I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. Not just because of the distance or the calories burned, but because I had fully immersed myself in the experience. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love staying active – it’s not just about fitness; it’s about the journey, the sights, and the stories you collect along the way.

So here’s to more adventures, more steps, and more memories made in the great outdoors. Until next time, stay active and keep exploring! 🌳🌧️💪

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max and DJI Mini 3 Pro, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

Feel free to follow me on Instagram too! instagram.com/bjornbeheydt

Join me in my steps on:

Coin | Sweat | Step’n | Actifit
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



Why got me was definitely how the trees beautifully reflected in the water, it's amazing man

Wonderful isn't it? ;-)

Absolutely brother

This canal path is looking heavenly where a nature lover can feel the true and deep whisper of nature. I think I should also be as energetic as you so that I could loose my weight.

The canal is definitely a great place for walks and enjoying nature! Which is why I spend so much time there ;-)
And indeed, the regular movement, especially in nature, brings quite a lot of energy back into my body and my life! And that used to be quite different!!!

Yes it started out as the perfect day, beautiful colors under the beautiful sun. I'm not going to say it was a pity that the weather changed, because I think it was just the storm that made you connect so much with the hike, that competition with the mighty power of nature. I totally agree with you, it really is about the story behind every walk, the moments that linger and comfort us. How nice to read someone who feels the same way. I hope you continue to enjoy staying active!

Thank you for your very nice words! Yes indeed, that's the great thing about these walks, the deep connection with nature and all its elements. That's what I love, these stories that nature tells you, and in which you are a participant if you want, not just a spectator (and really, everyone is actually a participant, but many don't realize it, and participate in inactivity)
And for sure, I will stay active, and I will keep enjoying it!!!


Shame about the storm.

Be safe untitled.gif

Hmmm... Mostly I would say no, as it is part of nature, and a requirement as well. But we are seeing a bit too much of rain and winds lately, and it is beginning to do a lot of harm as well...

It never rains but it floods 🌧 🌧 🌧

It sure does over here!!

You've had quite a few rather dramatic dances with the rain lately, @borniet! Congratulations on your steps, and your timing! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thank you very much!!! And indeed... Still a lot of rain in the meantime! And forecasted for a lot more to come in the next 10 days...

Of course, you're most welcome! I feel you on the rain. We have much more cloudy and rainy weather than is usual for this time of year. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Same here, seems like it'll never stop... Today's walks are literally down the drain for me... 😢

I'm sorry to hear that, brother. I hope that you get weather more conducive to walks very soon! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Hopes are still high! 😂

Brilliant, that's marvelous to hear! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙



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