My Actifit Report Card: February 26 2021

in Actifit3 years ago (edited)

Další klidný den. Žádný spěchá. Přesto si nejspíše připíšu nějaké body v #poliac :-). Hodně nevyzpytatelné soupeření. Jeden nikdy neví, co jeho soupeř provede :-).

Another quiet day. No hurry. Nevertheless, I will probably score some points in #poliac :-). Lots of unpredictable rivalry. One never knows what his opponent will do :-)

On an afternoon walk with Sofia, I tried to photograph the signs of spring. For example, these young bear garlic shoots.
Na odpolední procházce se Sofií jsem se pokoušel fotit náznaky jara. Třeba tyto mladé výhonky medvědího česneku.

I also met a "living" anthill. Warm weather made the ants active :-)
Také jsem potkal "oživlé" mraveniště. Teplé počasí přimělo mravence k činnosti :-)


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Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking


Nedávno jsem potkal doma mouchu. To setkání přežil jen jeden z nás.


Congratulations, @jjprac You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINE With @bucipuci.
You Earned 0.300 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 20584.027 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 2.490 HIVE

Gratuluji k přežití :-)



Congratulations, @jjprac You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINE With @bucipuci.
You Earned 0.300 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 21879.785 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.300 HIVE

Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of BEER from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of BEER from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!

You have been rewarded 378.9513 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 45295 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received a 3.23% upvote via @actifit account.

The following boosts were applied to your post:
Sports Hat - L4
+ 16 % AFIT
Protein Shake - L1
+ 15 % AFIT
Sports Hat - L5
+ 18 % AFIT
Protein Shake - L2
+ 15 % AFIT
Protein Shake - L3
+ 15 % AFIT
Protein Shake - L4
+ 16 % AFIT
Sports Hat - L2
+ 15 % AFIT
Sports Hat - L1
+ 15 % AFIT
Sports Hat - L3
+ 15 % AFIT
Friend Boost - L3
+ 15 % AFIT
+ 10 % AFIT
Friend Boost - L1
+ 10 % AFIT
Thanks to your friend @cezary-io
Friend Boost - L1
+ 10 % AFIT
Thanks to your friend @krakonos
Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
Running Shoes - L5
+ 30 AFIT
Water Bottle - L5
+ 45 AFIT
Water Bottle - L1
+ 5 AFIT
Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L1
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L2
+ 15 AFIT
Boosts increased your AFIT earnings by 303.4138 AFIT
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