My Actifit Report Card: November 18 2022

in Actifitlast year (edited)

Jestli byla včera klidná směna, tak nevím, co bylo dnes. Podle počtu kroků to totiž vypadá, jako bych vůbec nebyl v práci :-).

If yesterday was a quiet shift, I don't know what was today. According to the number of steps, it looks like I'm not at work at all :-)

The important thing for me, however, is that I could afford a small detour from the route and take another photo for my collection of municipal emblems.
This emblem belongs to the village of Mirkovice, which is not far from Český Krumlov.
Důležité pro mne však je, že jsem si mohl dovolit malou odbočku z trasy a pořídit další fotografii do mé sbírky obecních znaků.
Tento znak patří vesnici Mirkovice, která je nedaleko Českého Krumlova.


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking


Collection of municipal emblems must be impressive after the many you have found and shared.

I have 234 emblems saved so far. I have to look in the folder from time to time to know what I have already photographed and not to photograph something twice :-)

Thanks for your comment and have a nice weekend

Always enjoyed seeing the emblems along with manhole covers that were in superb condition. Have a wonderful weekend as well.

Manhole covers with emblems or graphics are quite "rare". I haven't seen any new ones in a long time.

I highly doubt any are left in our cities, people steal everything not locked down which is sad.

The sad thing is that the system basically forces people to steal in order to at least have something to live on.

Our country has been stripped, overhead train lines running electricity, the tracks themselves wherever you look disrepair, too many unemployed, now syndicates running amok.


Na oplátku :-)