My Thursday//My Actifit Report Card: May 23 2024

in Actifitlast month

Hi, my dear friends!!!

Thank God is Friday, happy weekend to you all my dear friends in the @acfifit community. It's the 24th day of May and below is our report for Thursday 23rd of May.

On Thursday morning after I woke up, said my prayers and picked up my phone so that can be able to access some info.

There is a project with the title #movierecaponleo, it is a new way of video recap in the Blockchain and I think it will go a long way in helping us to know about some movies because most of us don't have enough time to start watching movies.

So I decided to put the movie recap into writing which took me hours to put together. After writing, I took my breakfast and went ahead in putting other things in place before the Party time threadcast.

At 3:49 p.m. I took my bath and set for the chapel because its Thursday and we normally have service every Thursday.. On my way going, I took some photographs ☺️☺️.
While on motion, I took the below photographs

When I got there, I saw one of my old friends that they don't normally release to patrol in the day time, I saw him outside and inquired, so they told me that he is not feeling fine, and he is under treatment.

His name is Lucky, I very smart dog that don't mess around with strangers. I just pray that he gets better soon because am not happy seeing him down.

I also took some photographs outside the chapel premises

After the service, we all went home but at some point, I decided to walk down home from a far distance. They are all party of exercise. When I got home, I quickly posted the article I wrote in the morning and attended to other things online.

I took this photo as I was walking through the front of the winners chapel in my city

Thanks for checking on my report card, I sincerely appreciate your support and encouragement 🥰🥰🥰🥰.


The photographs are talking with Infinix Hot 10 pro and was edited with Snapseed app, they are original images.


Thanks once more, Jah bless, Jah love and Jah guide. Peace ✌️✌️ and Love 💕💕


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Dancing, Home Improvement, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking, Yard Work