Purple Mood Day for the Escape : February 11 2022

in Actifit2 years ago (edited)

Was one of those slow days. The brain did not want to engage. We plan to go up to Hunter Valley for weekend. That does drive an agenda of packing stuff for a weekend away and steps to go back and forth. Good time to take photos of flowers at home

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Tibouchina - purple is the theme

Petunias have survived all the rain - just

Paper daisy grown from seed - just opening

Fully open. Long drive to the valley as traffic was busy. Hit town in the middle of a huge shower

A key view across the vines. Nets are off and chardonnay has been harvested

Zoomed in a bit

It is good to get to the valley especially when it is not February stinker temperatures

Dinner: Fried rice. Did remember to pack the cooked rice.

Trade action: Naked puts on DIS. Happy to do that as may well be assigned on covered calls next week

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Daily Activity, House Chores


I love the view of the sky it's beautiful and a way to appreciate nature

Been a lot of days without blue. Watch for tomorrow photos - some flowers against the blue

That's will be lovely to see, I can't wait

The flowers are lovely and colourful... tnx for sharing the pics..

Photos you shared are really very beautiful. The natural beauty i like it very much. You also achieved 5000+ milestone of Actifit app. Stay fit with Actifit and stay blessed.

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Beautiful pics shared... I really appreciate nature and I love dos flowers

beautiful photos of flowers, thank you very much for sharing the report, have a nice day and a great weekend

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