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RE: My Actifit Report Card and Update: March 2 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Dear @spectrumecons

I have read your post and I can say that most cryptocurrencies markets are usually manipulated by big capitals, and if you add to that the common volatility we can see, it becomes difficult not only to understand the hive market, but all of them.
However, trying to understand them is important, especially if you trade.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.
Yours, Piotr


I think a lot of volatility has to do with speculation. The quick pumps and dumps can be very profitable. This is especially true for those that have a large amount of money available. As we get closer to mass adoption, we should see less volatility.

Hi @spectrumecons

As we get closer to mass adoption, we should see less volatility.

It's hard to disagree. Only Bitcoin haters would think differently.

I appreciate your reply :) Didn't hear from you in a long while. Hope you and your family and staying safe and healthy.

I would like to take this opportunity and invite you to my recent post (celebrating my 3rd anniversary on hive chain with some special initiative). I would appreciate if you could consider reposting it - so I could reach out wider audience.

Stay safe and have a great weekend,
Yours, Piotr