My Actifit Report Card: October 25 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Gotta remember to post it all. Poookeeemoooon.. Dno.

Day - Monday. Activity - Work - Dishes.
Tomorrow - Tuesday. Activity - Work.

Wauw exciting! xD I do like what I do, but thats the only thing I do xD
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Daily Activity, Walking


Did you get the email that Oura is releasing a new edition tomorrow!?

Yes, I did! Exciting stuff !! :D

Too bad we just bought ours so recently, but still excited to hear what they got!

Ye I was thinking the same haha..

"Like, fuck, I can't buy a new ring at the moment" xD
But its amazing to see them develop their tech :D

Okay so what are we thinking after seeing the upgrade? Heart rate all day, yass, blood oxygen levels coming next year, so cool. Subscriptions fees along with the expensive ring, not great, but apparently free lifetime membership for those of us who upgrade from the previous generation ring. 75€ off for old fanatics, but only for a couple weeks 😬😬😬

It looks amazing and I love the upgraded sensors or more sensors to track more stuff!
Also, nice discount! But I don't have the money to buy a new ring at the moment xD

Also is there a fee?? Didn't read :o

I know right but I really want it😩 Did you have a look at what people are writing under the Oura announcement on IG? They gone mental! People think companies should tell them when they are launching stuff so they aren’t buying the ”old” thing just weeks before. That’s not how the world works buttercup!

Ah. 6 euro fee.

I really don't might. Its good to see them make some recurring revuene, I was woundering about that when si bought Gen2

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