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RE: My Actifit Report Card: October 25 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

It looks amazing and I love the upgraded sensors or more sensors to track more stuff!
Also, nice discount! But I don't have the money to buy a new ring at the moment xD

Also is there a fee?? Didn't read :o


I know right but I really want it😩 Did you have a look at what people are writing under the Oura announcement on IG? They gone mental! People think companies should tell them when they are launching stuff so they aren’t buying the ”old” thing just weeks before. That’s not how the world works buttercup!

Ye me to.
We still have a chance to play the lottery and win money xD

Ohh damn, no I am not following Oura on Insta. I guess it sucks for people? But its not like Fitbit is doing that either xD