Taking It Easy - My Hustle Report Card: May 23 2020

in Actifit • 4 years ago

Rest day and still managed to get a decent step count in 👌 #SkipTheDishes was busy which helped since my legs were so sore from yesterday 😅


Today I happen to record a decent clip of my neighbor, a 7 PM show the loyalist, out there every day of the week showing her support for all of us on the front lines. Thank you kindly!

Taking It Easy - Set Your Mind, GET IT!!!

Shot A Live Shoutout To My Step-Bro Thomas

Shots From The Day


The Reward!!!


  • Feeling absolutely beat, a joint of Mountain Jam helps to ease the sore muscles allowing me to settle down for an early nights rest.

Set Your Mind, GET IT!!!

This is what creation does for me... aided by cannabis for comfort within my own skin... daily I find ways to get through the torment I carry by applying it. If I must experience the pain I mind as well put it to good use 🤑

Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Photowalking,Walking


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Getting that many steps even though you are sore is still pretty good. It's pushing through that pain that is the hardest but the reward after is so much better. Well done for getting it :)