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RE: Are you a Tough Mudder? Hehe

in Actifit3 years ago

nope - not weird at all
its exactly as I am.

I don't sleep walk - but i do something much scarier.

sleep drive.

I am super cautious to not get in the car when i'm tired. but if i have a long drive, sometimes i get tired and I don't realize that I'm sleeping .

my eyes are open but like - glazed over - JUST like when you sleep walk.

I often will wake up out of a dead sleep and have all these solutions to problems that have been in my head - cuz my brain just doesn't stop. it doesn't really rest - its always going. but when i wake up - i'm actually awake and writing then.

but i have been in like - a trance before- when writing... and not completely disconnected- but when i come back to read like a few chapters in my book - its like i don't know what's coming next. as if i didn't write it.

and i'm like whoa!!! who wrote this?!?!? me?!?!?!?! this is so good! hahahahahahahahahahah

but yeah - its not at all weird what you described... its TOTALLY relevant to me LOL i often tell people about me and ask the same thing "isn't it weird?" hahahaha but nope - looks like i found another one like me! or... you found me. LOL

either way - we are the same! hahahahaha


Nice to meet someone who can relate most cannot as my wife says my well now our brains are wired differently and most cannot relate to it

I remember seeing a study years ago that after studies of 100s of people came to conclusion the more intelligent a person is the less sleep they need

I was part of a study when in the military where amongst outlier things they did an IQ test and I did real well in it so well in fact that the Mensa society wanted me to sign up as a member and be given some award for my age and result as it was in their words exceptional

I declined for two reasons
I feel IQ test measure in part the environment you grow up in and hence aren’t a great believer in them
And secondly no way did I want to be on the stage in front of a crowd and cameras to get the award

So as err similar I must say your incredibly bright

But sleep driving that is scary I can’t say I have done it but been very close and had to pull over and walk to wake up
