Two little guys & Actifit April 29 2024

in Actifit2 months ago

It looks like a got a bit lazy lately(I always blame the weather :)), even today I had to pull myself up and make this post. A friend left for a short holiday and I had to make a couple of round to his place to feed the cat and these two little guys(no worries, the little ones are kept in a cage in a different closed room :)). One of them looks like he is always eating, and he's not fat at all.



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Daily Activity
183.0 cm
666.0 kg
Body Fat


They are so cute! I used to have mice, hamsters and pet rats. They always stuffed their jaws full of goodies.

When we moved from Colorado to Washington state, my pet rat, Smudge, was in a cat carrier and sate next to me in the truck I was driving. I would feed him Cheese Nip crackers as I drove. Once, when we stopped for a break, I took a look inside his temporary abode, only to find he had literally lined the inside of it with all of those golden Cheese Nip crackers! It looked like the yellow brick road! He was such a funny and good pet.

Glad to see your post, my friend; I was concerned. Take care and have a lovely day!🤗💜

Nice to hear from you my friend!😊
Glad that these guys are safe inside this cage, did Max get to visit these guys as well?😇🤗

Max was guarding the car in front of the home. :))

Smart boy!😊
Sounds like he’s very protective of you !😍

Such a pretty little cat
