My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2020

in Actifit4 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody! Thanks for stopping by today!

Friday was a bit hectic at work. We had appointments but the gal I normally work with is retiring some and won’t be in except on Monday and Tuesday. For now, that leaves me and the doc so my time constraints have increased. I’ve run a shop before by myself but it just makes it easier to have an extra set of hands. Once we are back up to speed, it might be a necessity to find someone to help.

I was glad when the day was done and I could come home. After a couple of errands, that’s exactly what I did.

This pic is from yesterday’s hike. It’s so serene and lovely, I just had to include it today.

Actifit-Lamb was raring to go as usual. She wanted to bring her umbrella, even though it wasn’t raining. She sat on top of a whiskey barrel up on Towhee Ridge.

It’s still pretty damp here and the snail babies come out for a jaunt. Unfortunately, they have no idea they could be squished at any time, so I pick them up and move them to safety. This was one out of 6 that I moved tonight.

It’s been a long day and really, a long week. That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and be safe and healthy. Keep on @actifit steppin’!

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Moving Around Office

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a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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Lovely to share from your experience at work place, the picture above is beautiful, I mean the one from your yesterday’s hiking. The snails 🐌 are beautiful, I like snails but our hot weather may not allow me to keep one unless I prepare a special place for them.

We live really, in kind of a rainforest. The beauty of nature here is amazing; the colors so deep and rich, and of course, the little creatures are interesting. I need a T-shirt that says "snail baby saver" "snake rustler" and "hornet remover". I move the snakes out of the road so they don't get hit by cars. The hornets....well every once in a while, they get in the house. My husband is allergic to bees in general, so it's up to me to get them out. I'm sure I look pretty ridiculous running inside trying to knock it down so I can usually, unfortunately kill it. I've not figured out how else to do it and not get stung. I have been stung by hornets outside and it is not fun! Anyway, thank you @maxdevalue for stopping by and commenting. Enjoy your day!😎

I wonder how many and how fast peeps will be able to adjust to their usual work-life and schedules when the pandemic is over. I know it is going to be easier for me to do everything in person. I am getting zoomed out.
Lucky snails! You really have to hike every day because they need saving!
Thanks for sharing your day. Stay safe and take care, my sweet sis, @elizabethbit🥰🌺🤙

I can't stand the thought of them being crushed. I have unfortunately stepped on two in the past, which is why I move them. They work so hard to make their shells. Plus, I know it's kind of weird, but I think they're kind of cute, too!🐌💕

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Wow, seems like you are right in the middle of the woods!

We are in a very forested part of the Northwest. The bridge I showed is on a neighbors property near by our home and on the way to the end of the road where we are allowed to hike on private land. We are very lucky.

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