No More Heatwave!......My Actifit Report Card: May 16 2023

in Actifitlast year (edited)

The heatwave has broken! 😁👍😎

They were calling for a 10 degree cooler day today and it actually happened! I am hoping this super early unprecedented heatwave is not a precursor for the summer!

We began the day with @silvertop doing 30 minutes of mowing, and while he did that, I set us up for practice for Sunday worship. It’s a bit cramped this time because the waterbed is still being worked on and the air bed is in part of our practice space. We set out to run through the music. @actifit-lamb loves to see what she can get into with the instruments and equipment.

If you check out @silvertop’s post, you’ll see my stuff wasn’t all that she played with!

Then, it was time to tear down the old waterbed mattress and liner. After it’s removal, began the arduous task of removing old duck tape and the re-covering screw heads with new. This helps to pad them so they don’t poke holes in the mattress.

The duck tape you see running down the middle is covering the junction of boards that support the heater, safety liner and mattress. You want this covered so it can’t pinch the mattress and cause a leak. We did not finish today as we ran out of duck tape to finish the job and we needed a better fitting for the sink to hook up a garden hose to it for filling. So we quickly ran to Lynden to get said items. Once home, it was time to go for a hike. Jan came with.

It seems like forever since we’d been for a hike and since even longer since we’d met up with Jan. It was good to get out and good to see and hike with her!

Here’s some Cot eye candy as he was basking in a sunspot from the skylight

Tomorrow finds me once again, at my ‘Monday’ for the week. It will be busy for sure for several reasons, but on Friday, I’ve got to remove all the frames from the frame boards as this weekend is scheduled to lay the new carpet in the sales floor area. Unless if course, those plans have changed. I’ll find out tomorrow.

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your day wherever you are! Please continue to pray for 🇺🇦


All photos taken by me. MojiPop created in MojiPop app.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


Happy for you with the lower temperature. I hope it happens the same here. Hehe

I hope so too! Heat is no fun, that's for sure, especially when it gets as hot as your temps do.

Yeah! It makes me sick. It gives me headaches often.

It's not good, that's for sure!

Yay! 🤗
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