Oh, What A Glorious Day!……My Actifit Report Card: November 27 2023

in Actifit8 months ago (edited)

Oh, what a glorious day! Today dawned just a bit semi-cloudy and morphed into a stellar sunny day! I spent the morning on two different conference calls for the new office software transition later next month. Lots to do and learn ahead of time. I’ve got a bit of homework for this coming week and weekend, and then double conference calls each Monday going forth. The week before Christmas culminates with 2 calls on that Monday and one on that Tuesday. Then the Friday after Christmas, it’s live! 😅

In the meantime, I’ll keep on with the training and go forth from there. After that was done for the day, 3 hours plus-with all that sunshine, how could we not go for a hike? I texted Jan and off we went. Destination-Westergreen’s! As you can see from the first picture of this post, the view from the is exceptional! Enjoy more eye candy!

@silvertop went around the pond up there. I caught him in the act of invasion!!😳

He caused the entire population of ducks in Washington state to vacate the pond!!

There were hundreds of them! Not all left at the same time. The funny thing was we watched them circling around and about 25 came in for an almost vertical landing. It was pretty impressive! Within 10 seconds or so, he’d spooked them again and off they went! You should have heard the sound of all those wings! Quite spectacular!

I’ve got lots more pics, but I’ll keep those for another time.

My new iPhone arrived today! 🥳 I am finishing setting it up as I type this on my old one. This post will be my last from this old phone I will use this one as a backup should anything happen with the new phone or anything with the app.

That’s gonna be it for today. Take care and enjoy your evening! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Hiking,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH




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Thank you so much!!!🤗💜

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Wow I did not knew you could view the mountain tops from the place you live? As I can see it clearly from the first photo considering if it was taken near your house.

We live just about 3-4 miles from the Canadian Border. This is looking north towards Canada, and yes, there are many mountains we can view from here. We live in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains and Sumas Mountain, if you check out last Thursday's post, is some of what you can see in that one. We are extremely blessed to be able to view this with just a short hike up the road we live on.

Thanks for your comment my friend and have a lovely day!🤗

This must be a wonderful experience living near a place where you can easily view the mountain top you must be enjoying that view so much I can imagine; you and your husband are pretty lucky.

We are indeed, blessed! With all the trails at our back door (literally) we have so many views; it's amazing!🤗

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much, @ecency!🤗💜

Great activities with awesome photos.
Congratulations on the new iphone.

Hopefully I will get my new device soon.
Because this one currently is giving me issues.

Thank you @jmis101! I hope you can get a new device soon. It's hard when they malfunction. Take care!🤗💜

You are welcome ma'am.

Yes, that's true.
Hopefully I will get it soon.

Do have a wonderful day.


Is that ice covering the mushrooms?

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The 6th photo is ice on a plant of some variety. On the 7th photo, it's melted, but I'm guessing it was originally covered somewhat.

It so nice to see lots of birds in the sky! They were playing!!!
How wonderful!

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It was a beautiful day!🤗💞😘🌸🎄

Hello, @elizabethbit Sis! How are you doing? I love your top picture and one below it! The Olympic Mountains are so beautiful. What was the name of the area you live in again?
The view is spectacular of the Olympic Mountains! You work in a little town and your woods are how far from there? Thank you so much! Congrats on your 11541 steps Elizabeth! Wow that was great! Oh I love all your pictures but the top 2 pics are my favorites. Is that you favorite guy in the picture? 😊 How was your Thanksgiving? Take care Sis and I can't wait to hear from you. !BBH !CTP Barb 🌟🙏🤗🐱👩‍🚀🎅💜❤️💟🌲🐱🤗🙏🌟

@elizabethbit! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adcreatordesign. (1/1)

Thank you @bbhbot 👍😊

Hello, again @elizabethbit Sis! I read your post I'm sorry I was sleepy before and came back because I just love your pictures. Can you see this view from your home? @silvertop scared all the ducks off LOL. 🤣🤣 You sound extremely busy and I'm so excited you got your new phone! What is the name of the area you can see the view from? Thank you. Take it easy and don't work too hard Sis. Big hugs. Barb 🌟🙏🤗😻💜💟🎄😻🤗🙏🌟

Hey sis, @adcreatordesign! Thank you! We take a trail very close to us that takes us up further into the mountains than where our home is. It's all within walking distance from our house. Anyway, we are looking north towards Canada. On another trail we take, you can actually see the skyline of Vancouver. I haven't gone that way since I got the new phone, but am curious what the telephoto will do for that!

There is a network of trails on private land at the end of our road that we have access 24/7. We just hike up the road and pick a trail. The land owners are generous with sharing their land with our logging road community.

Thank you for stopping by sis! Hugs and kisses!🤗😘💟💜💞🎄🍁😽💫🌟🤗. !LADY !LUV

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Hello @elizabethbit that is so nice to have awesome neighbors Sis! What is the name of the town your oncologist's office is in? Thank you and this will give me a good idea,
Yes the North Cascades are so beautiful aren't they. Is is quiet there?
Thank you for telling me about your area. Have a great week Elizabeth Sis! !BBH !CTP

The doc I work for is an Optometrist and we are in Everson, WA.

It is fairly quiet here. Sometimes the silence is disturbed by a lone train whistle/horn and sound does carry, so at times you can hear motor noise from down valley way. It's interesting.

Quiet is special! Thanks for thinking of me sis! Much love to you!🤗💜😘😍🌹🌞🤗 !LADY !LUV

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Hello, Sis! Thank you so much for your answer! It sounds wonderful there. Yes quiet is very special. You're most welcome @elizabethbit Sis and much love to you as well! !BBH !CTP 🌟🤗💜🎄🦌🎅👨‍🚀💜🤗🌟🎀

You are very welcome Barb! Take care and enjoy the upcoming weekend! 🤗😘💞🌹🎁🤗😘💞🌹🎁🎄 !LADY !LUV

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@elizabethbit, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @adcreatordesign and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/27 calls)

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You take care too @elizabethbit Elizabeth! Have a wonderful weekend and Christmas!
🌟🤗🎄😘💟🎁🌺🌺🎁🎄🤗🌟 !BBH !CTP