Fridays Are The Best!…….My Actifit Report Card: December 1 2023

in Actifit8 months ago (edited)

Fridays are the best! I don’t think you will find too many people who would argue that statement! Fridays are the end of the workweek; the beginning of the weekend; a chance to breathe and regroup. A chance to anticipate the actual weekend. Yep! Fridays are awesome!

Work today was busy, but there’s a sense of calmness that’s lacking on Wednesday. I’m not sure exactly what, but one thing is we tend to not squeeze quite so many patients in. Make no mistake-we are usually full, but there’s more wiggle room for emergencies, etc.

Also, Yana is a great help. She tends to take a bit more initiative before calling me out front for help. She’s more organized with the neatness of her work space and doesn’t scatter everything on all of her work surfaces. I often find when taking completed files up, that she is done and cruising her phone. That’s okay, as she is the doc’s sister in law. Things run smoother and I’m generally able to stay at my work station longer than on Wednesdays. 😃

So, it’s the weekend and I’m looking forward to some housework that I’ve been trying to find time to do and to decorating the tree! In the meantime, here’s some ‘shroom eye candy for you! 🍄🍄🍄

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and give someone you love a hug today! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


Usually you post white color mushrooms but today I really loved you transitioning into showcasing brown color mushrooms which was a refreshing and subtle change for me.

I believe the colors come in waves, so to speak. We've had some freezing temps, and yet, they are still growing! Pretty amazing actually!

It's raining here like cats and dogs for the next few days. If we get out for a hike, it will be interesting to see what is growing then.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting my friend! Take care and enjoy your day!🤗 !LADY

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Enjoy the weekend!

You as well!! Take care!

Nice mushrooms honey!😄


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Yes, Fridays have proven to be awesome day.
It comes with unlimited joy.

Nice activity with cool photos.

Thank you so much!! Thanks for stopping by and take care!🤗💜

You are welcome.

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much!🤗💜

Fridays are the end of the workweek; the beginning of the weekend; a chance to breathe and regroup. A chance to anticipate the actual weekend.

Somehow yesterday Friday was much busier at work for me! Everyone wanted to meet!!! Meetings take so much of my time, arrrgh!!! But I guess, there is no other way! Just like you when you have to meet with your reps.


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It seems like lately, I have nothing but meetings with reps on my Thursdays and it eats a lot of my paperwork/admin time! Add a first time contact lens training to the mix, and there's not a lot left for my admin duties! Ugh!

I completely understand sis!

Take care!🤗😘💞🌸🎄🌟


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@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @elizabethbit and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/30 calls)

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Thank you so much!🤗💜

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🤗💜 Thank you!