A Great Christmas Gift…….My Actifit Report Card: December 6 2023

in Actifit8 months ago (edited)

A great Christmas gift! The rains stopped and the river is receding! If you saw my post from yesterday, you were met with pictures like this next one. The Nooksack River was flooding!

I just took this next screenshot from the USGS website and in comparison to yesterday’s at about this same time, the river is down from 82.8 feet to…….

You can almost hear a collective sigh of relief from the towns of Everson, Nooksack and Sumas! A disaster averted; such a lovely gift indeed!

Today’s work was at one point, pure insanity! I was actually multitasking with two patients from different families plus dealing with phone calls as well! We probably had 8+ people in a small room! Not much wiggle room at all!

I’ve got a ton of work for tomorrow. At least the doc is taking off and my fill in doctor, though a good doc, takes longer as he likes to talk with the patients! 😁 I’m running solo, so hopefully, it will slow all else down as well so that I might breathe. Honestly, I don’t get any downtime from work and home. I’ve always got things that have to happen each night, so I never really truly get a day off. Training for the new system has ramped that feeling up exponentially. 🙃 😔

Anyway, here’s some ‘shroom candy for your viewing pleasure!

Here’s Cyle staring at the TV last night. 😽

We often find him sitting on the floor in front of our left stereo speaker that’s attached to our amplifier for the TV sound. This speaker is 3’ tall and about a 15” square cabinet. It can make your windows rattle, lol! He listens to the sounds coming from that speaker-not the right one-just the left. Very odd! Silly boy! 😽

That’s it for today. It’s going to be a bit different with a doc on Thursday and with no doc on Friday. Hopefully, these next two days are productive for me and go quickly! 😎👍

Take and enjoy your day! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



Thank goodness for a respite from the rain! Very good to know the river is receding. That is just way too much of a good thing.

It's never dull or boring around here-that's for sure! We are thankful!

Thanks @jayna for stopping by! Take care!🤗💜

Quite a deluge. 🍄 Gnome homes, but no gnomes.

I'm glad it wasn't any worse than it was. I've been thinking maybe we need an amphibious vehicle! Take care @kerrislravenhill!🤗💜

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What a relief that the river is receding!
Cycle is looking handsome, posing like a tiger!

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It is a good thing that it is. I was worried about it a bit today, as we were having another rain thing going on and it was a lot of water. So far so good!

Cyle did kind of look lion-ish! Love ya much sis!🤗😘🌸💞🎄🎁 !LUV

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The storm seems pretty bad there. Keep safe.

The rains abated today but are to return tomorrow.