Anticipation…….My Actifit Report Card: February 14 2024

in Actifit4 months ago (edited)

Anticipation! When it comes to trains, I have this thing for them. You see, some years ago when we lived in Ohio, we had a model railroad that ran 3 different scales of model trains with 2 trains of the same and 2 trains of different scales, for a total of 4 trains running simultaneously on the display. We belonged to the Greater Cincinnati Railroad Society, became an honorary member of the live steam club Cinder Sniffers, and eventually opened our own retail train store. You might say we were nuts for trains!

We would hear tell of a steam train being at a certain spot, and we’d jump in the car to ‘chase’ the train to get out and take a look up close and personal! It was awesome! It might then come as no surprise that I love to hear the train whistle blowing at a distance when we are at the bay. I begin to move towards the tracks in anticipation of its arrival. Yesterday, we got lucky twice. The first time, we’d just parked and it was upon us so quickly, I didn’t take any photos. However, the second one………😁😁😁

The first picture was just as the warning signals had just began clanging and the gates dropped.

Still waiting…….

Still waiting, but it’s closer……….and then… was here!

This freight train was pulled by four diesel engines with a long line of cars!

Most of the cars look like the ones you see to the side of the next photo. No tankers.

You get to experience the whole train when you get this close! You can feel the reverberations of the engines and cars as they go by. Some cars are noisier than others though I’m not quite sure why. And yes, it’s very loud! If it’s a long train, it goes on forever! This train did have another diesel engine pushing the rear, it was so long!

What an exhilarating experience to be a part of. I must admit though, the thought has run through my mind on occasion; what if one of those cars jumped the track?! I suppose then you might not be reading this! 🥸

What can I say-I love trains!!🚂

Work was super busy today. Someday, I’ll catch up! 😏

That’s gonna be it for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed my train tale! 🚂

Take care and have a blessed evening! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


I remember going to a beach when my father laid a few coins on the track and a train rolled by squishing the coin into an oblong flat oval. Is that a guy thing? There doesn't seem to be any point.

No kidding! My boys did that when we first moved here as the house we rented at the time, was across from the railroad tracks near Portal Way. The trains run along that track from Canada to the US and back. We specifically told them to stay away from the tracks, and what did they do?! Boys!!!

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Boo boo clusters.

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I have never used a train before
I hope to use it one day for transportation. We have few railway in my country

Once, when I was a child, I rode a train for three days to get from Ohio to North Carolina. It was interesting. As an adult, I've taken a ride on the Chama, New Mexico steam train. It was even better as live steam is something else. My dream would be to run, or be the engineer for a day on a live steam engine and really have the full experience! It would be awesome!

If you get the chance to take a train, do it! It's nostalgic and a good chance to see what it was like back in the day.

Take care!

Didn't know there are steam train still operating

The one from the post is a diesel, but there are some throughout the US. We have one close by at Snoqualmie, WA and in Chama, New Mexico, there is one that hauls you up to the summit for lunch and then back down again. I know there are more around the country still in operation.