Down By The River………My Actifit Report Card: February 20 2024

in Actifit5 months ago (edited)

I slept in a little bit this morning and decided not to go to Bible study. I really wanted to go, but with just today before I begin my 3 other days of work; I knew I wouldn’t get done all that was needed. I had a coffee order to roast first thing. Once that was roasted, packaged and then packaged again for shipping, it was time to go to the post office and get it shipped. Yana inadvertently set off the alarm to the clinic this morning and I had to turn it off remotely as well as field a phone call from the monitoring company. Turns out a battery was completely dead so after going to the post office, we headed to the clinic so I could deal with the issue. Then, it was tabs for the truck and a run to Lynden for kitty food. A quick stop for Starbucks and then on the way home, a stop at Riverside Park for some photos. I took quite a few and will share some tonight and some tomorrow. Enjoy the eye candy!

I’ve decided I would like a rock tumbler as there are so many interesting rocks that I think would polish nicely!

That’s gonna be it for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow and more river pics! Take care and enjoy your evening wherever you are! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


He he he!
She said "Kitty Fuel"!
Looks like the Cats have us under control!
Wishing You a Amazing Week!

You got that right my friend!🤗💜. Take care! !LADY

Thank You and U-2!

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Hello, my weekly report just got published. What about reading it and maybe giving a upvote ? It allow me to give better/bigger votes in the future

What do you call a witch's garage?
A broom closet.

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You got beautiful captures there!

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But I had a perculiar visit offer of a home Bible study from a petite and old little Jehovah Witness lady. She didn't want to talk about cats.

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