Springtime’s ‘A Comin’!……..My Actifit Report Card: April 19 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Back during Christmas, I had a title to a post like the one to this post, except for this post, I replaced the word Christmas with springtime’s. It’s part of the lyrics to an old country song.

Anyway, springtime’s definitely here! In the photos today, you can see the evidence in the delicate new green baby leaves on the trees.

Work was busy today with lots of patients and lots to do. My coworker Donna is handling some of the ‘out front’ work for me which enables me to focus more on orders and admin. There’s still so much to try to teach her!

I am however glad it’s Friday! 😁 Now for some neighborhood news.

It appears Mac had added goats to his property.

I hope he knows the history with his place. Another homeowner and about five years ago, the property was plagued by a mother mountain lion and her two juvenile cubs. They killed their goats. It was sad.

They say it’s got a 100% chance of rain ☔️ tomorrow and 80% on Sunday. Wouldn’t you know I’d planned to start my garden project? Go figure! 🙄

Here’s to hoping they are wrong!!

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy the weekend! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,House Chores,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



i'm looking forward to seeing ur garden project
Keep the flame on my friend 🔥💪

Thank you @chiuzzu81! I'm hoping the rain will hold off and I can get out there! Take care and enjoy your weekend! !LADY

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Coming? What took Spring so long to get here?

No kidding! I want to garden tomorrow and thus far, they are calling for rain. We have a weather station that transmits on UndergroundWeather, and according to it, rain at 5 PM, so maybe I will get to after all!

Take care sis!🤗💜 !LADY

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Great start and I believe for strength to finish up

Thank you @etiboy565! Take care!

Beautiful photos!
It's springtime😊, here we have beautiful mushrooms popping up everywhere.

I'm looking forward to your garden.

Thank you @phyna! Take care!🤗💜 !LUV

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I have been trying to get into the garden for preliminary things (prepping the ground, adding more compost, etc), but it has been rainy when I could get out there and do it. No rain projected here for at least the next week, so I’ll get the work done.

For your neighbor and the goats, a couple of guard dogs might be protection for them.

I know they have a stable that the animals can be locked up in at night. I would hope he is doing that. He did use to have a German Shepherd, but I've not seen it around lately. However, the neighbor next to him does have a couple of dogs, so that might help.

As for gardening; it poured here last night; glad I covered that newly purchased garden soil! I was able to get out and get some more done today as the rain they predicted never materialized!

Happy gardening!