Invasion Of The Tree Worms! 🙀…….My Actifit Report Card: April 21 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

I was out walking around after an afternoon of garden related tasks, and spied these ‘tree worms’ slowly crawling towards me! 🙀 Just kidding! They are logs @silvertop is working on from the dead trees the crew took down at a neighbor’s house a couple of weeks ago. They were laid out in such a way to make me think of the move ‘Tremors’. At least these guys aren’t viscous! 😁

The garden project moves forward. I had purchased a raised bed garden kit, so we set about putting it together.

We put it together in the garage and carried it up to where I wanted it to be.

I then began shoveling dirt into a bucket to dump inside of it. I lost count on the buckets but I did get it full. No small feat for someone with hip and back issues. Pacing myself was the best way to get it done and it is now full and ready for planting!

It spans 25” wide and 8’ long. I have one other small raised bed garden from last year that I added some of this new garden soil to. I’ve got some seeds and onion sets and plants ready to go. I’m thinking I might map it out first before I actually plant it. That will give me the opportunity to see if there’s anything else I might want to add. 😁🪴

Once done, I took that walk looking for things to photograph. Here’s some of what I found.

Late yesterday, I potted the batch of petunias I purchased where we got the garden soil.

That’s gonna be it for today. I hope your day has been blessed! Take care and enjoy the week ahead! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Gardening,Walking

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


Yeehaw! Sounds like you've been mighty busy tending to your garden and raising them beds like a true cowboy! Keep up the good work and enjoy planting those seeds! 🌱🌻✨

Thank you so much @cowboy.curator! I appreciate you stopping by!

Ride on, pardner! Each step counts towards progress. Let's rustle up some positivity this week! 🤠🌵🐎

Amen to that! 😎👍

Yeehaw! Let's ride together towards a brand new horizon, one positive step at a time. Saddle up and let's make this week one to remember!



Your tree worms remind me of these worms!


The raised garden beds look great. Can’t wait to see them overflowing with flowers and/of veggies!

Lol! I remember those worms!

Thanks friend! Fingers crossed as in times before either the slugs or the deer get most everything, but I planned this with mesh covers and fencing so hopefully, those measures will help me this time around.

Take care and thanks for stopping by!🤗💜

Greetings @elizabethbit you are a very strong woman to do that job. The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.

Thank you @cautiva-30 for your kind words! Take care and thanks for stopping by!🤗💜

You are welcome!


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Getting ready to plant, I see!!!
What do you have in mind?
Beautiful photos of flowers, sis, It is so pretty around you!!!

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I have plans for white corn, carrots, eggplant, beans peas, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, dill, cilantro and some other herbs, onions, garlic. This includes the small greenhouse, the old raised bed garden, the new one, and several rounded canvas planters, plus the ol' tater patch. I might try to squeeze some pumpkins in there. This is presuming it all works out space wise.

I may be overzealous, but in years past, I've not had a raised be like this one; no hoops with mesh to keep plants safe AND, I'm incorporating some fencing to hopefully deter any deer that think they want the garden. It's a different micro climate here as we are colder than the valley, and it makes the growing season a bit dicey. It's the nighttime temps that make the most difference.

I'll take pics as I go and post and we shall see how this all works; if it works; I'm bound to grow something I would think!

Love ya much sis!🤗💜😘😍🌹💕🌸 !LOLZ

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The trailers

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