Seaside Sun🌞…….My Actifit Report Card: April 22 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

Today turned out brilliantly sunny and had it not been for errands that needed doing, I would have spent it in the garden. A trip to Lynden and back and then to Bellingham. On a day like today, we are always lured to the bay. It was beautifully sunny, but with a brisk wind not anticipated, on the bay! I was seriously underdressed!🥶

I did manage to snag some cool photos though. I watched a man with an older golden retriever head towards the water. The doggie was proudly carrying a stick about 2’ in length. He dropped it in front of the man and barked until he hurled it towards the water. Doggie went in! 🙀

Once he grabbed the stick, he promptly turned and headed toward shore.

They did this a few times.

Once doggie came out of the water, he’d lay down with all four paws in the air, and roll. On a warmer day, I’m sure it would be fun to watch but all I could think about was a sopping wet doggie and 45 degree water and the wind. Not a good combination!

@silvertop seeking high places.

A large freighter a ways out.

Some old piers no longer needed but still there.

It didn’t take long for me to say I was done! Who would have thought I’d be so cold? 🥶

We headed then to Home Depot as I needed a couple more seed packets for the garden. It was much warmer there! I got what was needed and a quick stop at Winco and we set out once more to Lynden for a stop at our favorite hot coffee place and then onwards to home.

Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer with partly cloudy skies. Then on Wednesday, a week of forecasted rain is supposed to begin. They might be wrong- I hope they’re wrong, but my intention is to get the seeds and plants in tomorrow, before it begins. That way, I also won’t have to water.

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your evening! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Walking,Shopping

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


i like today's story
what a brave dog
Keep the flame on my friend🔥💪.

Those are beautiful photos, sis!!! I miss the water!!!
It's spring, and it is chilly here too. The third week of June is not too far away... Summer!!

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I am looking forward to warmer day, but not the really hot and humid ones. If summer could be around 73 degrees with a gentle breeze!🤗💜😘😍🌹💕🌸

Beautiful photos you have here. My favourite is the third one😍.
Nice reading you this morning.
Greetings 💝

Wow never expected to see dog playing in sea photos from you as these are awesome and a pleasant change as well.



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