What If………My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

in Actifitlast month (edited)

What if…….

…..you were given the opportunity to sleep as long as you wanted, how long do you think you would sleep? I might would wager a guess that if I was given the opportunity, I could easily sleep 10-12 hours as long as there was utter silence in the house and all devices were either turned off or silenced.

Saturdays are the day I tend to sleep the latest, but this morning, I was awakened a good 2 hours before my late alarm was set to go off. @silvertop was up and just normal noise that anybody would make, was enough to disturb my sleep. In the end,I got up and got ready for the day.

We ran through music and then got ready to go shopping. I needed a couple things for work and a few more for home so we set out for the Dollar Tree store, Walmart, and Costco. EVERYWHERE was crowded!! In some aisles of whichever store we were in, you literally could not move, could not make it to the end of the aisle, or even enter the aisle! It was crazy!!

So many folks out shopping! I know Saturdays are busy in Bellingham, but this was over the top! What’s even stranger was the weather! Misty at home when leaving, but once in the valley, sunshine with sprinkles AND big, dark ominous clouds all around! When we left Bellingham and drove to Lynden, it was 68 degrees out. We stopped at our favorite Starbucks and headed for home. The closer to the base of the mountains we got, the darker it became! It looked almost like dusk! Plus, the temperatures steadily declined until we reached home at a brisk 53 degrees! Brrrrrr….! 🥶

Once the car was unloaded and everything was in, the heavens opened up and the rain just poured down! There was hail in this storm as well! Yep, it could be shaping up to be another June-uary!!

Coming home I captured this rainbow where just a patch of sun was shining on the mountain.

Just one tiny hole of sun! 🌞

The next photos are some of my Aurora Borealis pics twisted a bit with the Artist. AI DEV app. I kind of like the result.

I used 3 different pictures, one for each.

That’s gonna be it for today. Tomorrow brings church which as always, I look forward to. Take care and enjoy your evening! 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Shopping,Walking

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



You deserve to sleep! I need sleep, but I wake up... always.. !LOL
Talk about sleep, I'm done, hehehe! I'll see you tomorrow!

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Have a good sleep sis!🤗💜😍😘💕🌸🤗 !LOLZ


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Saturdays has become my commando shopping day since I loaned my EV to my working son, I could bus around my town easy enough.
Dropping off recyclable junk at the depot, donated goods at a goodwill, refill a propane tank, grocery shopped, and picked up more soil for the garden and back home at 12:30pm. My neighbor's kept getting in my way as I struggled to haul the propane tank back into storage. I'm sure your cats have at times decided prioritized attention time over your priorities at times.

Oh yes, they can be demanding, but I really can't resist them much! The favorite activity of theirs, especiall Cyle, the older one, is to walk very, very slowly in front of you while you are trying to do something. We've both been tripped by him, lol!

Saturday does seem to be the day to go get those needed items! Take care sis!

That is very like myself. I can't sleep when there is a little noise in my house. Saturday's for me is always a busy day for me because I get to do all the home work that is left undone.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you for stopping by! Saturdays do seem to have a schedule full of obligations or sometimes things that I really should get done, but it's hard too, as I suspect you know.

Take care and may we both get a little extra sleep soon!🤗💜

If I am given time to sleep, then I want to sleep 10 hours straight😃

I would love to give that a try as well, but it's never to be, it seems! Take care!


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