Bzzzzzz……🐝My Actifit Report Card: May 23 2024

in Actifit23 days ago (edited)

Work was busy….busy as a bee! 🐝 I started my day much earlier than Donna or the doc did. I was able to do some of the EOB’s (explanation of benefits) reconciling them to the insurance outstanding amounts. It’s a laborious process in the EPM system as opposed to the old Office Mate we used to use. Back at the beginning of the year, I was so overwhelmed with it all as I was the only one who had done any training and the responsibility of the day to day running of the clinic was on me.

I’ve begun the process of trying to train Donna on it, but with so much always going on, it’s slow. She told me today that she doesn’t know how I deal with all of it and the constant interruptions and keep things straight! It’s a difficult thing to do for sure!

Nonetheless, I’m getting a little relief in being able to have her take on a little more so I can turn my attention to the things that at this point, only I can do.

Tomorrow is Friday and I am glad about that! 😁

Here’s more eye candy from the Gold Mine Trail adventure earlier this week.

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and enjoy your Friday!😁 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


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Daily Activity,Moving Around Office

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH



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A neighbor up my street has a bee hive but I think they no longer keep bees, I barely see a few bees but not in decent numbers I used to see. What a loss, I should drop in on them, if I see them, and ask about it. There's no activity around their hive box.

Sometimes, the bees will abandon the hive and follow the queen. Or, if the queen was killed, the swarm will also leave to find another colony to join. I know a lady here who is a beekeeper, and she has chased after her bees when she noticed them leaving. I'm not sure what the plan is when that happens; it's not like you can round them up and send them to their bee hive room, lol!

We've got 2 neighbors on our road that keep bees. One did lose his colony a couple of years ago and is trying again. The other has an active colony going on now. It is interesting!


How do you deal with all the business and the constant interruptions and keep things straight?
Hahaha! SuperLiz!!!

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There are days, although I wish there weren't, where I actually thrive on the stress! It's like I wind up and then once up, it takes forever to get out of the mindset of 'gotta do it all'!

Yesterday was one of those days. Combine lots of patients, training my coworker, many, many interruptions-well, I was on a mission! Maybe that's why I have to sleep so long on Saturday, lol!

Great job on your steps Sis! The trail is beautiful! It looked like a sunny day and that's wonderful for you. Donna will catch on over time. She just started learning the task of the EPM system. That must be hard trying to learn and getting interrupted. I hope she is able to take some of the load off of you. I love your beautiful Bee picture @elizabethbit Sis! Sending much love and rest to you and hubby. 🐝🐝🐝 !BBH !CTP

Thanks sis!

Donna is doing well. She told me she doesn't know how I do it; I say it's hard no matter how much of the system you know! Keep in mind, that we have only been live with this since January, and there's so much more I haven't even begun to relate to her yet; and may not for another 6-8 months! It's crazy-I find issues that the techs haven't seen before which kind of amazes me. I'm still learning as well; it's a very deep and layered system. However, just doing the things I've taught her thus far, is helping. I still have to oversee as she does it, and that slows me down, but she is doing well with the 'patient' end of things; explaining the insurance to them, helping them select frames and discussing lens options with them.

I always try to capture bee photos as they are so cool!

Take care sis and enjoy the upcoming week! Much love to you!🤗😘😍💕💜🤗 !LADY !LUV

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I'm glad Donna is doing well, Sis! Techs always mess things up because they aren't perfect. Can you report the issues to them so they can fix the bugs? I hope so. I hope they have a place for that to quickly report.

Yes I love bees. They are so precious and I have learned to love them much more in my older age and taking pictures of them and helping the ones that are sick. I guess that might have started around 2011 or was it was later? When I went on walks in the park in the past, I saw bees dying on the side of the trail. Poor things. It's all the poison that it snuck in by huge corporations that make weed killer and they didn't list it on the package. Sorry to go on about this.

Take care sis and enjoy your week too. Sending much love @elizabethbit hugs to you and hubby. !BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗😘😍💜🐝💗🐝💜🤗🙏🌟

I have seen some bees this year in distress and it bothers me immensely. I had one who couldn't seem to stay upright. I managed to pick him up and toss him in the air upon which he righted himself and flew away.

Take care sis!🤗💜😘😍🌹💕🐝😇🤗 !LADY !LUV

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Yes, Sis I know what you mean. You are awesome! It's part of the disease they get from all the poison. I heard that sugar water can help them. One time I found a dead bee in my back yard and gave him sugar water. I accident spilled it on him with the spoon so I put him on a paper towel to dry. I was so upset I did that! 😥 He looked dead. He was in the shade on a hot day on a chair on the paper towel. I went out to check on him every so often. After a few hours he still looked dead and I gave him a nudge with my finger and he woke up! Then he flew away with a lot of energy! I was so happy I helped that little bee.😍 I have read articles and watched YouTube videos about a lot of people helping bees with sugar water. The sugar must help them with the dehydration in the hot weather and the poison from the toxins people put out on their lawns. I'm happy you could help the bee. @elizabethbit Love you bunches Sis! You are a bee angel 😇🐝😇🐝 !BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗😘😍💜🐝💗🐝💜🤗🙏🌟

That is good to know sis! Thank you for the information. I will use it should I come across another bee in distress! Love ya back, sis! Take care and have a blessed day!🤗💜😍😘🌻🐝🤗💟💕 !LADY !LUV

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You're welcome, Sis! There are videos on YouTube and I found 2 links below for you.
Sending much love and take care too with a blessed day! !BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗💜😘😍🌼🐝🤗💜💕

How to Correctly Save a Tired Bee with Sugar Water
How to Revive a Bee with Sugar Water

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